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Everything posted by Leon99

  1. Hey, sorry for some delay: Yes I already viewed this video and it´s fantastic, but the link in the description relating to this website: http://flightsimgps.com/ doen´t work. The serve timed out trying to reach this website and I tryed googling it, but no results with a download link. So I installed a software called gpsgate to virtualise a com port and send via UDP Port 49002 to skydemon but nothing works. Do you know how I can acess Flight Sim GPS? Its so frustrating.. Thanks for all Leon
  2. Hello John, Question1: You should have tried the free license before purchasing, available at the top of this forum. My answere: I have to apologize to you, you are right that I should have tested the free version first, but i didn't know there was one. Question2: Can you show me / attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files. My answere: Of course you´ll find both in the attachments. These files aren´t placed in the documents/FSUIPC folder. I was just able to finde these two using the search tool in the explorer and when I click on these files it says they were found in C:\FSUIPC7 (no exact path). Question3: It is certainly not a good idea to randomly change things that you do not understand.... My answere: Completely agree with you, but I´ve read some of your provided pdf files and in coorperation with these mentioned steps I switch for example "SimModeIndicator" from No to yes, becaue I´m using an Apple device (and android too). Question4: If your issue is with SkyDemon, have you tried contacting their support? My answere: Yes, I´ve contacted SkyDemon and they told me, they could only give support for the X-Plane Simulator and not for third-party-software acting as a bridge. Moreover they could give the information that my licence is fully active and should´nt cause any issues. Question5: I have been on holiday since last Thursday... My answere: Then I must apologize all the more for the annoyance and I hope that you had a nice time on vacation and hope the weather played along. Question6: As it states on the purchase page - NO REFUNDS. This is why I provide an extended trial license. My answere: Then i probably have no chance and accept this. I just thought that you need a key to be able to use the gpsout function. Thank you so much for your quick support actions and take care. Leon FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log
  3. Hello everyone, I purchased a licence for FSUIPC7 a few days ago with the intention to link Skydemon on either my Ipad mini 6 or with my android Samsung Galaxy S21 to MSFS 2020 but on both devices this message appears:"waiting for simulator". Yes, they are all in the same network, the box: "GPS out1 and GPSout2" is ticked and also the correct license key, which I´ve got via SimMarket, was entered via setup. When the simulator is running, FSUIPC7 says: connected to simulator. But both devices says wating for simulator. I hope I´ll get anykind of customer service, or any contacts from the developer. Lastyl I tried nearly every variations of editing the .ini file, for example switching somthing to yes or no. I hope I get a quick response, otherwise I´ll need to contact SimMarket for any refunds. Thanks for your support or ideas. Leon
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