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Everything posted by BJHawk

  1. Actually the exe.xml from MSFS 2020 works fine without any modifications to it, I literally copied it from 2020, deleted everything except FSUIPC. However when used like that, it launches too soon and has problems connecting with the sim at all, requiring restarting it. I actually SimLinked the entire community folder, testing various addons. Basically none of them works, but no wonder. I managed to fly PMDG 737 and the Mobi presets didn't work. However using SimLinks is I think not going to end well with 2024, as until I forced install of FBW A320 directly to Community folder it was not loading the cockpit. More testing when the release comes. EDITEDIT: Did a quick test with WASM, FSUIPC and FWB A320, logs attached. Only FS control worked, as WASM just ... ended .... Same as some time earlier. Tried to log Events and see if anything happens when I click a VC button and looks like nothing happens. Moreover, using exe.xml to launch FSUIPC, had to disable "Auto-connect to FS" in FSUIPC and manually press Connect, only then FSUIPC "sniffed" and connected correctly. It was stuck in Sim available, trying to connect. FSUIPC_WASM.log FSUIPC7.log
  2. For anyone wondering, FSUIPC 7.4.17 works out of the box in the MSFS2024 Alpha just fine. Just have to launch it manually after you get to main menu or even into the plane. Only thing not working are obviously the Presets, and default FS Controls are a hit&miss, so use Input events or keybinds for now.
  3. Huh, further testing is necessary, but it seems setting the LvarScanFrequency=0 might have actually solved this problem. I'm using all the addons and it didn't crash in the first sure-crash test. My only worry is if it will affect any addons.
  4. Hi John, I have some news! One good news and one bad news. The good news is I have I think isolated the issue. The bad news is ... it's not caused by any program, asset, or aircraft, but against all odds by demanding sceneries. I have been able to jump around the world, and switch between FBW and PMDG just fine (almost) as long as I don't use detailed sceneries. I had a few CTD's, but my guess it's just MSFS and all the addons not sure what to do anymore with me jumping from plane to plane and airport to airport without restarting the sim. Why is it crashing though is still a mystery, as sometimes with sceneries it does sometimes it doesn't. Possibly also depending on other programs running on the PC eating away system power. At this point I'll just leave it be, since I've been forcing it to crash, and will report if I encounter any WASM crash in the wild.
  5. I did a few more test with previous WASM, and did "clean" launch with just a handfull of addons and FSUIPC, it was fine. Can't remember the last time MSFS was running so well... So far I've ruled out Aerosoft VDGS, FlightControlReplay, FBW, Fenix, FS2Crew, FSLTL, Headwind A330, HorizonSim 787, HungaryVFR, Sky4Sim, IniBuilds A300, Navigraph, P42 Flow with SimFX (although it was causing the aforemention error of file not found), PMDG 777, PMS GTN, virtuFRA EDDF. These are addons not managed by Addon Linker and it works with them. Plus GSX, some lighting addons, LVFR, CaptainSim, Carenado, Salty 747. Did try the Simstaller and it didn't produce any unexpected warnings, all from addons I have had installed for years. Will continue on Sunday and report back.
  6. GSX is not the culprit, have it actually uninstalled. With GSX is the _prev log. With GSX it crashed on my usual test. Without it it crashed after reloading the flight at different airport. Did another test with a bunch of addons disabled, crashed again. Will continue down the rabbit hole on my own on Sunday till I'm running Vanilla FSUIPC_WASM.rar FSUIPC_WASM_prev.rar FSUIPC7.rar
  7. Yes, I am always replacing both files, both in the Community WASM folder. Another test done (with previous WASM), tried different sceneries this time, all without the sim reload. For the testing I'm using all the same active addons, sceneries and settings to mitigate as much inconsistency as possible. Went FBW>777 on TailStrike LKPR, pretty easy scenery, all fine. Then went to virtuFRA EDDF in the same 777, which is a really demanding scenery, barely got above 10FPS, all fine. Then went to iniBuilds EGLL in the same 777, demanding scenery but about 20FPS, it crashed shortly. In all the tests I power up the plane and use GSX to connect the jetway, then just laze about, looking around at the scenery. Since it seems to be memory and thus system problem, I've attached my MSFS UserCfg. I'm running Dual 4K monitor Windows 11 on an ASUS TUF Gaming Z790-PLUS WIFI with Intel i7-14700KF, G.SKILL 2x32GB DDR5 6000MHz Trident Z5 RAM and MSI GeForce RTX 4060 Ti VENTUS 2X BLACK 16G OC. Not the best, but pretty beafy. EDIT: My addon list is possibly way too long 😅. Program wise, it's always running FSLTL, FBW SimBridge, MSFS Map Enhancement, RealTurb CAT, Navigraph Simlink, AIFlow, AIGround, GSX, FSRealistic, all run by MSFS Addon Linker. Rest is in my attached exe.xml FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC_WASM.log UserCfg.opt EXE.xml
  8. This time it crashed on the first launch shortly after the FBW>777 switch 🤷‍♂️. I know how you feel, felt the same many times at work. The worst faults are the ones that are not happening when debugging. Can see it crashed with the same last log entry. I've also attached the FSUIPC log from the previous crash. The ending seems the same FSUIPC_WASM.log FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7_prev.log
  9. Just as I thought, second launch and it crashed shortly after the FBW>777 switch. Here are the few last lines of the log. Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues0' (id=4, definitionId=6) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10215] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues1' (id=5, definitionId=7) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10216] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues2' (id=6, definitionId=8) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10217] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues3' (id=7, definitionId=134) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10218] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues4' (id=8, definitionId=135) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10219] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Values Client Data Area 'FSUIPC_lvalues5' (id=9, definitionId=136) updated (1024 items) at 1721397623505 [requestID=10220] Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: MyDispatchProc: finished processing event - dwID = 4 Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: MyDispatchProc: event received - dwID = 4 Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: MyDispatchProc: ID_EVENT request - uEventID = 4 Fri Jul 19 14:00:23 2024 [DEBUG]: Scanning for new lvars: lvarScanFrequency=-5, last lvarScanTime=1721397618712, timeNow=1721397623716 (difference=5004) Entire log is here: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/EvBiytnz#link Last ALMOST 2 SECONDS! are attached Found that the program GLOGG is able to open large logs, not sure of the limits though 😅 Will report back shortly with the logs from the wasm you just uploaded. My guess would be an addon, but then it wouldn't be random for me, I use the same all the time. I'm only switching planes to force the crash semi-reliably EDIT: Also not sure, might be something to look at, but every single time any plane loads I get this error in Console: [Coherent GT] Failed to locate file vfs:///Flow/templates/fsuipc-lvar-module.json New Text Document (4).txt
  10. Uh, yeah, when you said "really large" i thought you might be exaggerating a bit, it will be like 50MB. Holly, how wrong I was 😅 Less than an hour and it's almost 2GB! Had to find an app that can open it! And it really did slow the sim noticeably, didn't expect that either. I tried it yesterday, and no crash. Went FBW>777>FBW just fine. That's something I've noticed last time as well, the first launch after replacing the FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm everything works fine. Will report back today after another try. Will also try using combination of different airports and aircraft, if it is memory crash. Which it feels like it might be, considering I'm switching between two very complex aircraft on massive 3rd party scenery all around me on quite high details. And that is something highly discouraged ever since the times of FS2004!
  11. Crash. Had the console opened and watching FSUIPC errors. Once again, started with FBW, that worked fine, switched to PMDG 777, the second I touched a button WASM crashed - line 2383 of FSUIPC7_prev.log, might be a coincidence. Did a second test going 777 > FBW, crash as well, without me even touching any button (the end of FSUIPC log is me confirming what I saw in the console). WASM: Exception c0000005 in SimConnect DispatchProc in module vfs://fsuipc-lvar-module/modules/FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC_WASM_prev.log FSUIPC_WASM.log
  12. Just like at my work, I can crash WinME PC in a way even developers of our systems thought impossible 😅 Tried the updated WASM. FBW behaved for a while so I switched to PMDG 777, it worked so i messed about and at some point it stopped working again. Exited FSUIPC as soon I noticed it. EDIT: At around the same time WASM crashed MSFS console produced this error: WASM: Exception c0000005 in SimConnect DispatchProc in module vfs://fsuipc-lvar-module/modules/FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC_WASM.log
  13. Here are the logs from the entire aforementioned flight. https://filetransfer.io/data-package/p8Z23jrS#link I'm using the DEV version, never had any problems with it. Just to be safe I restarted the sim, load up the A320 and it worked. Then, without restarting the sim, I loaded up PMDG 777 to check it, and lo and behold, it stopped working after just a few preset sends. Here are the logs, the Presets stopped working at about line 1447 of FSUIPC log. https://filetransfer.io/data-package/Ep1g0eTf#link
  14. From the begging. Restarting FSUIPC didn't help. When I had the console open last time this happened I did see the FSUIPC registering the correct button presses, but sim didn't respond to them, just like you can see in the FSUIPC log I sent. I forgot to check the MSFS log after the flight 🤦‍♂️ EDIT: Happened straight away on another flight with FBW A320, here's a log from MSFS:
  15. Yes, latest version installed yesterday, and only the Mobi presets stopped working. Found the files FSUIPC_WASM_prev.zip FSUIPC7.zip FSUIPC7_prev.zip
  16. Hi, so it finally happened today with FBW A320. Unfortunately cannot add the files, too big. FSUIPC_WASM.log has not been created for some reason though
  17. Yes John, VC still respond just fine, as all the assigments where I used default FS "Rotor Brake" preset with Parameter sent to control specific button (simulating clicking it I guess). What stops working are the predefined MobiFlight presets. And it happened to me both in 777 and 737, so I think unrelated to the AVSIM post. Haven't encountered the issue yet, will post as soon as I get it again. BJ
  18. Hi, started flying again after some time (thanks PMDG...) and now I face a peculiar problem. Randomly my Joystick button presets do not work. I'm talking about the Mobiflight presets. Any other default FS presets work just fine, including the RotorBrake parameters I used to send to PMDG before the Mobiflight got filled in. Axis assignments work just fine This has been confirmed on my side to happen both with PMDG 777 and 737. As I said, it's random, either it works from the beginning or not. Only solution I found so far is to completely restart the sim and hope for the best. I've tried dis-/connecting the FSUIPC, restart the WASM, restart FSUIPC altogether, restart the flight, nothing has worked. During assigning the buttons on 777 I noticed it stopped working when I spent too much time in the FSUIPC menu. It has been happening on both the 7.4.13 and 7.4.14 versions for me.
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