Hello John,
Thank you for addressing the issue. Unfortunately, some of the comments just "flew above my head" a bit.. well, not everybody who wants to enjoy "simming" needs to be on the level that requires an understanding of such technical nuances. I pay for software to make sure that somebody will help me with the things I do not understand or do not have the time or need to learn. And, that I am not going to receive typical open-source-type support answers: "I do not understand your question", "RTFM"...
Long story short, let me tell you what I understood, tried, and the results.
- I tried PMDG B777 EFIS L Baro Knob without any additional parametrization, just trying different values (-10 and 10; -50 and 50). Then I tried the custom: My_PMDG_B777_EFIS_L_Baro_Knob#$Param (>L:CABaroKnob, number) also manipulating number values
behavior: same as alegged just different increments, additional disadvantage: no "zero" position, once you start rolling down or up there is no encoder position that baro value would stop at.
- tried of course using 737 Knob Inc & Dec.... fiasco! no reaction at all
Looks like PMDG "different" implementation is the problem. Boomer, because I refuse to share my identity, I cannot even get on their forum and there does not seem to be an anonymous way to open a ticket for a product I paid hefty money for.
Maybe somebody here has a better idea 😐
Thanks again o7