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  1. So did a flight with the changes but flew the 787. Still had a crash. So those aren't fixing it unfortunately. I'll try it first with the PMDG 777 just to confirm this is a QW787 issue and then if there's no crash I'll try it without AI to see if that contributes to the crash in QW787.
  2. It appears to be unfortunately, which is a shame cause I like the 787. I've changed TrafficStalltime=5 and also changed NormalStallTime to see if that makes a difference. I also added AIClient=Yes. Finally, I'll the log for you, the 400MB one I assume? I know that the crash occurred within 20 minutes of the end of the log. If you don't want the 400MB one I also have a few smaller ones with no options ticked when making the log file, however having read those I don't see any cause of the crash in those ones.
  3. What does USAIClient do? Cause I use AI companion and don't want to unnecessarily cause issues with it? And what difference does =No vs =Yes do for UseAIClient?
  4. I was asking in AVSIM which logging options I should use given the huge size of the initial file. My initial settings had read/write included in the logging process (that likely cased the huge log file size), cause I figured that since D008 had issues that's how one would catch it. But from what I understand just turn all the logging settings off and create a log file, that should initially catch any issues. The settings in particular that I can't find in the manual in the advice given by Pete are UseAIClient and SimConnectStallTime. Now I presume that SimConnectStallTime has simply been converted to NormalStallTime in FSUIPC6. However I can't find anything related to UseAIClient in FSUIPC6's advanced user manual. So I don't know what it does, and whether that option has been changed.
  5. Well I was directed by Ray Proudfoot from the RC4 forums for help on this issue. The reference link for the changes in settings, advice, etc. As to why it's specific to the QW787 I have no clue to be honest. It doesn't strictly appear to be a bug with the QW787 itself, rather from Pete Dowson's post the QW787 tends to aggravate a known issue in RC4, however changes to FSUIPC6 can fix these apparently?
  6. Hi all. So as the title says, I've been able to consistently reproduce a D008 crash in the QW787. However the crash seems to be inconsistent in some aspects. I'm aware that D008 seems to either be an AI traffic or airport issue, I've updated my RC4 database, and changed the TrafficStallTime=5 in FSUIPC6.ini. I use the most recent FSUIPC6 module. I also use an up to date version of AIG. However despite all of this my RC4 consistently crashes around 1.5-2 hours into a flight from Toronto to Coppenhagen, it seems to be near a specific waypoint that it gets set off, although it can crash in other circumstances as well. I have a log file though its over 400 mb as it's from the beginning of the flight, and I'm not sure where the crash occurred on the log file. Finally there was some advice for the QW787 for this type of crash regarding FSUIPC4, but the issue is that those settings don't exist in FSUIPC6. Long story short it's getting kinda of tiring, cause I can repeat the cause but to do so I have to do a 2 hour from the beginning onwards, only for it to crash. And I do like RC4 especially since it's now free, but this is getting rather annoying. Signed Jon.
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