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Everything posted by AL HARPER

  1. I'm a volunteer at the Military History Museum in Broken Arrow Oklahoma . We have FSX install in the museum for veterans to use. Earlier this year it crashed. I have completely restored the computer and reinstalled FSX. Everything seems to be work ok. I have the Cessna 172 fully configured and flying. My question is, how do I configure another aircraft, such as the BeechCraft Baron Twin, with its own control settings. Recently I did start setting up the Beechcraft Twin so I could fly either the BeechCraft or the Cessna 172. After working on the Beechcraft for awhile I switched back over to the 172 to fly it for awhile, only to find its control setting were all screwed up. After much Googling a few nice gentlemen on flightsim.com finally came to the rescue. It appears FSUIPC is the answer. FSX by itself is not capable of configuring multiple aircraft on a single instance of FSX, you need FSUIPC to accom[plish this. Now that I've found FSUIPC I'd like to accomplish a few preliminary things before doing an install. Get the full documentation for FSUIPC so I can study it before hand. where can i get the docs? Next is FSUIPC the only utility in Mr Dawson's toybox that I'll need to accomplish this? For now, all I want to do is configure a couple of different aircraft for the veterans to train/play with. I may expand on this in the furture to a dozen aircraft if all goes well. Lastly, it appears I'll need to buy a license. I'm assuming when I attempt to install FSUIPC I'll be prompted for a trial or real license. Trial is nice, but in the end if all goes well I want to purchase a license. How do I do this? Via the install or SimMarket.com. I see SimMarket seems to be out of the UK and the price is listed in Euro, so I assume checkout will convert to USD $. I think this is all. Let me knmow if I have not thought of anything. Thanks Al Harper n4ida@cox.net
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