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Everything posted by Pmax

  1. Pmax

    MSFS2020 CTD

    I think I solved the problem. I followed this guide: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015893879-Checklist-How-to-troubleshoot-crashing-CTDs-issues and did the following. #1 SYNCHRONIZE TIME SETTINGS My time was set to "Adjust automatic daylight saving time" I turned this off. #2 Then “Set time zone automatically” to ON #3 Then "Synchronize your clock" Then this section. "LAUNCH MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR AND TRY AGAIN" I bought msfs via Microsoft store, so now I did this. #1 install the Xbox app to my computer. #2 launch Microsoft Flight Simulator from the Xbox App. I was able to create a shortcut from the Xbox app that I was using. For now, this seems to have solved my problem, and I'm happy. 😊👍. Hope it might help others too. Kind regards Per, from Denmark.
  2. Pmax

    MSFS2020 CTD

    Perfect John. I'll look into it, and I'll of course update here if/when I find a solution. Thank's a lot.
  3. Pmax

    MSFS2020 CTD

    Thank´s John. I had thought about it myself, but wanted to ask here first. I'm a bit afraid that they on the Asobo forums will say it's because of FUIPC. Well, I'll ask there. 🙂
  4. Pmax

    MSFS2020 CTD

    *** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 / MSFS support sub-forum *** Hello and a very happy new year. This is driving me crazy. Almost every time I make some controller key bindings, msfs 2020 crashes to desktop. It's not every time and sometimes it happens immediately, other times I can make new bindings and edit other key bindings for a long time, and then suddenly it happens again. I have paid for and also use FSUIPS. So it's a combination of FSUIPC bindings and msfs bindings that I use. Could it be because of FSUIPC, which I would hate to be without. Is there a kind soul who might have a solution to this. I'm attaching my "ini" file. My "log" file is 11,015 KB and I'm not allowed to attach it!! Thanks in advance. FSUIPC7.ini
  5. Sorry for my late response. But thank you very much for your answer, I'll try to see if there's anything I can use there. Kind regards
  6. I would like to ask if it was possible to program a keyboard key for the function where in the Garmin G1000 NXI, MSFS Cessna 172, you press a small symbol with the mouse to activate the keyboard and enter the flight plan. Hope that makes sense. Many thanks in advance for your reply. Best regards, Per from Denmark
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