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    North UK

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  1. Thanks John I've now run a couple of test flights and the issue has not resurfaced so I think the actions in your initial reply have addressed the situation. Thank you for your support and fast responses. If it does appear again I will action as per your note above. I did check my build date in any case and I'm on 3rd November version. Kind regards S
  2. Thanks for the instant response John. I confirm am on 7.4.18. It was crashing as per the no end line as described. I have made the changes as per the FAQ entry, will report back with log if required. Thanks again. S
  3. I should firstly say that my understanding of the technical aspects of FSUIPC is not great so I may need some help in any data that's required for diagnosis. Using the Fenix A320 I lose my "preset control" button assignments in FSUIPC during use. By this I mean when I start a flight they work as assigned but at any given point they stop working and I cant recover them, I have tried various methods to try and resolve such as disconnecting FSUIPC from MSFS and reconnecting it. Closing it and restarting it. Reloading all the buttons. None of which have worked. Restarting MSFS and FSUIPC produces the same results, assignments work for a while during the flight but then stop. I do not lose button assignments that are not "preset control" types. The buttons I have assigned are on the Thrustmaster Airbus joystick and throttle controls. Not sure what is needed next in terms of a potential diagnosis or solution? Any help is much appreciated. Kind regards S
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