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  1. Thank you for checking John. The files in the SDK folder (SDK.h, SDK_Defines.h) looked similar to the PMDG stuff but this is all well above my ability! Good luck with FS2024 release Idle
  2. Hello John The SDK is here: https://files.100megabyte.com/ifly/737MAX_MSFS_SDK_v1.1.rar If we could access this via offsets à la PMDG that would be ideal. Busy time for you! Best Idle
  3. Hi all I'm trying to access the IAS display on the iFly 737 max. There is presently no L:VAR but in the iFly SDK we do have the following: BYTE SPD_100_Status;//0~9: '0'~'9', 10~13:not used, 14:blank BYTE SPD_10_Status;//0~9: '0'~'9', 10~13:not used, 14:blank BYTE SPD_1_Status;//0~9: '0'~'9', 10~13:not used, 14:blank Which gives us each of the 3 numbers. Any way we can get to these through FSUIPC? I know we can get this kinda stuff from the PMDG SDKs. Cheers! Idle
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