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Posts posted by wmackenbrock

  1. So, das habe ich mir mal angesehen. Am Terminal Gate 51 sieht das bei mir so aus:



    Die Bildstimmung ist auf meinen Bildern deutlich heller - aber die Fehler oben über den Fenstern und am Treppenhaus für den Jetway 61 sind unübersehbar. Die anderen Bildlokalitäten habe ich gar nicht gefunden.

    Viel Vergrnügen mit Toulouse!

  2. Hallo Jens,

    ich habe AS Erfurt angeschafft und Dir zur Entscheidungshilfe einige screens geschossen. Rechnerbelastung und GraKa-Werte kannst Du auf der rechten Bildseite ablesen. Texture max load läuft bei mir im Hintergrund und überwcht ständige 4096. Die Ausschnittwahl für die Bilder war recht willkürlich - wenn Du da bestimmte Stellen näher sehen möchtest, solltest Du mir das mitteilen. Weil die Bilder Überbreite haben, poste ich die Adressen.





  3. Hallo Holger,

    thank you for that quick advice!

    Your method proved to be effective - after tedious four hours of trial and error I finally found out, that there had to be two items to cause that fault. It turned out to be the North America-Part of FSGlobal 2008 in conjunction with another bloody item named addon-mesh(???) Looking into the directory being the source of that I found it to be simply empty...

    I deleted that addon-mesh and switched off the FSGlobal for North America and finally I got a wonderful Rosario-Scenery! :D :D

    It has been worth the efforts. Thank you very much for your advice - by which I finally became able to succeed. :idea:

  4. Hallo Holger,

    thank you very much for your quick response!

    First of all, I did have flight zone 2 Portland and tentatively uninstalled it with tears in my eyes :( . No success. Same with Columbia-River-Gorge :cry:

    Then I went on to the scenerydirectory and found in there many files not stamped 21.May2003. MyTraffic for instance. I created another small directory beneath \world and shifted all files with date other than 21.o5 2003 into it. No success.

    Some time ago I had a mesh installed created by Raimondo Taburet intended for FSX (USA10m-Mesh). That has been deleted prior to the installation of Orcas Island and when I checked again, all usa10m.bgl files had gone.

    Now I urgendly will reinstall FlightZone2 Portland and CRG and still will have to wait for another idea to solve my Rosario-problem....

    Danke für Deine Mühe Holger! - ich bin ein Bewunderer Deiner großartigen Arbeiten!

  5. when I yesterday immediately after purchase of the software tried to start Flight No. 2 at Rosario Harbour I was confronted with the scenery like shown. :shock:

    First I thought, there is something with the installation. I uninstalled the software and reinstalled without success. Next I reloaded the downloadfile - no success.

    Then I went reading all postings in this supportforum - at least those, which I thought might apply to. I changed the TMVl to 19 (had been 20) and disabled the North-america-Part of FSGlobal 2008. No success.

    There is no other software active with in the vicinity -next is KSEA of Fly Tampa in the south and then Glacier Bay by Holger Sandmann in the North.

    The other flights seem to be ok.

    How can I get rid of that failure?


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