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  1. Hi Since i'm using fsuipc 7.5.1 for axis assignment and calibration of my sidestick, and not inside msfs2024, i can't find where i can set my null zone on the Fsuipc itself. Thank you.
  2. finally, it's just a straight forward. any idea where i can increase the null zone of my joystick assignment via Fsuipc 7? Thank you.
  3. ok noted. thank you for all your reply.
  4. sir, not sure how to start, it's not just simple via fsuipc key assignment? or i need to download mobiflight apps, and modified my current mobiflight file since i got my javasimulator A320 hardware (MCDU, mini Overhead panel, EFIS+FCU, Ecam panel). i don't know the relationship on all these. thank you.
  5. sir, i think i can see the preset, maybe or not https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/preset/?simType=msfs2020&id=439fb5df-1a4f-42d4-a868-7fdc83a10b96 so, what to do next once we have this preset? any video or source i can refer to make this? i appreciate it.
  6. thanks for the reply. at least i know where to start.
  7. hi...i can't find the answer. can i assign the fenix A320 predictive windshear switch on my brake switch button on my Thrustmaster throttle quadrant? any possibility to do that with Fsuipc full version? thank you.
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