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Posts posted by jonss

  1. You should avoid plugging and unplugging devices into USB hubs while the system is `live` if possible, as it can also cause problems
    Thanks for the tip, Simon. Here's me believing that USB devices were 'hot pluggable', without any consequences. I don't have a USB hub, per se, on my system but my mb is bristling with them. With my new Joystick (patting the X52) I no longer need to fiddle around as the calibration remains rock solid with every reboot of FS9.


  2. Are you calibrating your controls through FSUIPC? Have you set some of the A/P options in the "miscellaneous" page which the LDS767 doesn't like?

    Precisely the reason. Actually, the LDS767, apparently does'nt like control surface commands sent to FSUIPC calibration. No matter, I'll just set-up all my other aircraft, checking the "Aircraft Specific" box. Your module, certainly extends a heap of choices.

    The other thing I mentioned, the FSUIPC.ini file. I deleted the correct one and as you correctly pointed out, I lost all of my settings but I expected that. Thanks for your support, Pete.


  3. Pete, I did alla that and finally decided the old joystick was in need of retirement. My shiny new Saitek X52 now sits before me, glinting in its blue led majesty. The difference is chalk and cheese. I should have done this a long time ago.

    I'm having AP problems with my LvlD767 and I'm just checking a few things. I had not flown this aircraft for a few weeks and during that time I had changed some aspects, they are:

    1) Upgraded the FSUIPC.dll from v3.5 to v3.75. This has not caused a problem with other aircraft.

    2) So I could use a program named nHancer, I upgraded to .netfx2. (mentioning this in case there is a conflict you may know about).

    I have also, deleted the FSUIPC.ini file which rebuilt itself on a reboot. This has made no difference to the LDS767 AP. At least, I think I did. The .ini file is not actually named that, is it? It's the FSUIPC 'configuration settings' file in the FS9 Modules folder, correct? I don'e need to delete the FSUIPC Text Doc. as well, do I?


  4. Move over Einstien, Dowson's arrived. How embarrassing :oops: I could'nt believe it when I stumbled into Device Manager, there were 2 of the dreaded yellow question marks. Both of them denying any knowledge of the 82801EB USB hubs and the enhanced host controller. I absolutely and emphatically assure you, there is skulduggery afoot. After a re-install of my XP Pro OS, the very first place I go is to Device Manager to make certain this problem is'nt present, which it always is, and I fixed it now as I did when I re-installed XP 6 months ago ie: deleting both of them and rebooting. Whereupon, they are re-installed and all is right with the world.

    My joystick calibrations are now stable each time I start FS9 but I remain puzzled as to why the USB Hub decided not to be recognized.

    Regarding 'Power Management': The only place I can see anything about it is in the Details tab. It says 'Current Power State' D0.

    Power State Mappings are: S0->D0






    Swahili, to me.

    Thanks, Pete for setting me straight.


  5. I am posting here, more to reap the benefit of your experience and obtain confirmation of my recent observations about my particular setup.

    Firstly, FSUIPC has been a great purchase. It has allayed much of my previous anxt with joystick calibration and has proven to be a better solution for FS9 than the M$ default system. However, (and I doubt it has anything to do with FS9 OR FSUIPC) often when I would re-open FS9 for a flight, I'd notice that the calibration was completely lost, the rudder (twist handle) would only register to the left, the elevator would deflect only marginally and it would 'spike' like blazes. So, back into the calibration menu for another attempt to have everything work. The device is usb connected to an Asus P4P 800E Deluxe Mb and after many years of investigating this calibration problem, I believe I've found a solution which may be of benefit to others.

    Once I have all the calibrations set on each axis, I have my flight. At the end of the flight, ie parked, and with FS9 still running, I unplug the joystick from the usb port. Then and only then, I will shut down the program. When I re-boot the program, I set-up my flight (this can take some time as most of the aircraft I fly are payware), thence to pre-flight walkaround and reconnecting the joystick. Lo and behold! Everything works!

    Pete, have you ever experienced this? Could it be a shortcoming of the Mb or summat? It has taken me years to find this solution (which works for me and I hope, other people having the same frustration). My joystick is far happier lately, too and my hat is off to the manufacturer for producing such a robust device.


  6. Greetings and salutations to all and of course, Pete Dowson. I felt compelled to post because I have finally purchased my key (5 days ago). Being a natural 'Cheapskate' this decision took 3 years and have navigated the 'learning curve' so that I can now report that FSUIPC has successfully and completely solved all of the Joystick problems I previously experienced with FS9.

    I'm not a M$ knocker and I absolutely love their product but FSUIPC has enhanced the experience, immeasurably. The 'Masterstroke', IMHO is the Tiller/Rudder control. FSUIPC direct, of course but if THAT was all FSUIPC was capable of, it would still be worth the outlay. I have spent many Man Days porking around with joystick calibration and that bleeding rudder control in FS9 and in one fell blow, FSUIPC just made everything work.

    I'm still learning the many other capabilities of the program. The Pan and Tilt controls had me a little puzzled at first with the POV Hat Switch but after logically going through the assignments it's a go'er. Now it's back to assigning more functions and continuing on my journey up the learning curve. Thank you very much, Pete, for an excellent program.


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