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  1. esc doesn't work, only way to exit the sim is altf4
  2. I have to close it with ALT+F4, there were no other options. Therefore I have just no idea what to do with it. My sim is freezing completely while sounds etc. are still working. Also when I alt tab the sim and hold it on alt tab I can see the plane moving etc. I had the same issue a month ago, I have read on forums it might be a WASM crash, then I have noticed I don't have my FSUIPC up to date, I updated and my issue disapears - that;s why I tought it was WASM crash. I got back once I updated to v7.5.1 and that's why I tought it might be a WASM issue. I have just no idea what can I do about it... Do you think a sim reinstall might be a good idea?
  3. sorry, but how can I set Debug level logging in WASM?
  4. nope, I closed msfs before attaching log, my sim has completly freezed.
  5. FSUIPC_WASM.log reinstalled and it crashed, also always after it crash it deleted those changes that I have made to LvarScanDelay according to the post
  6. if I will have an issue again, and there will be no end of program line I will for sure attach it again
  7. There was a little update to the sim it seems today, I have redownloaded FSUIPC again and hopefully my issue will be gone now
  8. as I said that was the very first time when there was END OF PROGRAM line since my issue have started, I have now idea why. That issue was the same with END OF PROGRAM at the end and without it.
  9. and it have crashed again... there were errors in FSUIPC_WASM file and then END OF PROGRAM, that's first time when it looks like it, always there weren't any errors and END OF PROGRAM line at the end FSUIPC_WASM.log
  10. I was that annoyed of those crashes that I have installed FSUIPC without WASM, reinstalled WASM again, and yes I have everything set up the same as in that post, if WASM will crash again I will attach log file.
  11. I forgot to add that my issue is in MSFS2020.
  12. Hi, I updated to v7.5.1 on Saturday and already had 5 WASM crashes. On v7.5.0 there were 0 crashes, moved back yesterday to v7.5.0 and WASM also crashed. Since the update I am only flying with fenix A321, while on the 7.5.0 I flew fenix, pmdg, ifly and ini without any problems.
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