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  1. I don't have that file. Where is it, please? No, but now I think that doesn't matter %USERPROFILE%\Documents The new installation has also aborted. There is no app in the windows app panel, i have run the uninstaller from the past last installation, and now there is no uninstaller in the installation folder. I have unchecked the Documentation option but no success, the new installer log is exactly the same. Apart from this, the only change from the default options has been to deselect the installation for msfs2024. I manually deleted the Documentation folder and ran a fresh install, which finished (almost) fine, with a warning that it needed to create C:\FSUIPC7\Docs because it could not create the folder in the default location Now there is an entry in the list of installed applications for FSUIPC7, it says version 7.5.1, however, the executable properties indicate It looks like I only need to do the installation by 2024, but I'll leave that for now... Thank you very much for your attention, John, and I remain at your disposal if you wish to investigate the reasons for the reported failures. SUBIR.zip
  2. But what about the FSUIPC7 crashes? Since I haven't tested anything yet today, the data I have from yesterday refers to version 7.1, and that has crashed. Since I have made several attempts, I think it is best to report the current situation at this point: In the last runs of the installer I selected to install for MSFS 2020, in the C:\FSUIPC7 folder. The installation was aborted when extracting the files FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users.pdf, FSUIPC7 History.pdf and Installing and Registering FSUIPC7.pdf (3 consecutive installations aborted) skipping every file. FSUIPC7.exe v was copied to the installation folder, but since the installation was aborted I do not know the final result. Attached are the installation and uninstallation logs (SUBIR.zip) And many thanks for your support, John BTW, I'm running Windows 10 22H2 SUBIR.zip
  3. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 / MSFS support sub-forum *** I have (had) installed version 7.1 running MSFS 2020. There have been several (many) CTDs with version 2024, and going to the web I found version 7.5.1 available. I downloaded it and, when trying to install it, the installation aborts when extracting a pdf file. As I saw that it already existed (from the old version), I renamed the existing one, and repeated the installation. Then that file is skipped, and (apparently) the next one aborts the installation. I have screenshots of the errors, I think I won't be able to upload them because of the size. Help, please!!
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