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Everything posted by biggstuff

  1. John I suffered from read the damn manual syndrome. Becuase it worked previously so easily I did not bother but now after updating the C++ all is good and registered. Sorry for the bother and thx for all you do for our hobby.
  2. John, I was registering again because I have a new computer and reinstalled FSUIPC. I had to reinstall windows more than once and so whenever I downloaded FSUIPC and did a new install of it I will register again. That is why I am registering on this new computer which has been hell with software and windows 11. That is my reasons for the multiple registration. To work on the new computer.
  3. John I PMed you my order details as I am not able to register even though I registered just yesterday with no issues after I had to reinstall MSFS a couple of times with new PC.
  4. This worked like a charm. Now I know why previously when I started FSUIPC after MSFS is running it tells me a version is already running. But then the interface opens then. Now it did not until this morning and your response and only to find out that it was hidden in the system tray. GLAD!!
  5. I just built a new windows 11 PC. I am installing all sofware and FSUIPC latest version installed no problems. I go to try to open the interface as I have done many times on my other computers to make some axis assignments on rudder pedals and the interface will not open. It starts but then no interface opens up for me to make axes assignments Please help.
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