Firstly, thank you John for the amazing work you do for the Flightsim community!
I am writing an app using the Websocket server - amazing documentation and all is working fine, until I try and use a calc with MSFS2024.
This is the request I am using:
var request = {
command: 'vars.calc',
name: 'myCalc',
code: '(L:S_OH_FUEL_LEFT_1) ! (>L:S_OH_FUEL_LEFT_1)',
and the response I get is:
Error for myCalc (vars.calc): FlightSimVersion - Any uses the legacy LVAR interface. This command is not supported.
I imagine that the websocket server or some other component needs to be updated to recognise MSFS2024. Is there an update in the works please?
I am currently using a registered copy of FSUIPC v7.5.1 with v1.1.2 of the Websocket server
If it's helpful I am running Windows 11 and amd testing this with v2.3.0.553 of the Fenix A320
Thank you