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  1. FSUIPC7.log Here is the log again, pretty much the entire flight was stuttery and laggy.
  2. FSUIPC7.lo File after a flight with some FPS drops nearer the end
  3. Fair enough, I was simply troubleshooting and multple people said since they didn't install the additional stuff, the issues disappear. Didn't work on my end either way. My bad on the file, I will attach it again once I have finished a flight and closed FSUIP7. Although, FSUIP7 sometimes doesn't show up in task manager. Yeah, I reported on the MSFS logging console in my previous message. The log doesn't appear to be generating lots of entries. Sometimes there is a burst of logs but not a consistent, fast entry of logs. I did try setting the threadaffinitymask but saw no difference.
  4. During some of my initial troubleshooting, some people said not installing the "extras" stopped the stuttering issue I've been having, so I didn't install them this time around. Here is the log file again, whilst the reduction in FPS is occuring. FSUIPC7.log The log doesn't appear to be generating lots of entries. Sometimes there is a burst of logs but not a consistent, fast entry of logs. I didn't see any difference between APL being open or not, seems the issue exists with FSUIP7.
  5. Hello, here are the files you requested, except I do not see a WASM file. I also do not see a "myOffsets.txt" file FSUIPC7.logFSUIPC7.ini
  6. Hello, thank you for responding to me. Apologies for posting in the wrong area! I am work right now but will check and report back regarding the logging. I have only tried it in the A321 and A320, developed by Fenix. I am unsure of other smaller planes as I only fly airliners in A Pilots Life but I can test some others. However, I didn't have this issue when using FSUIP7 whilst flying for a virtual airline and seemingly only is an issue when the data is being tracked through a pilots life. This isn't confirmed, just my experience. I am a little unfamiliar with the offsets file and how simvar requests work, or how to "not" use that file. I will send the files you requested as soon as I am home. Thank you!
  7. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hello, I am using MSFS2024, and download FSUIP7 to use A Pilot's life chapter 2. I downloaded it from https://www.fsuipc.com/. I have noticed, whilst FSUIP7 is installed and running, I receive less FPS and a very stuttery experience. When not installed, the game is very smooth. I find it similar to the experience users had in this thread - Is setting fuel pump thing to 0 still default? Or is there something else I could perhaps try? I am sorry if I am missing info that may help, please ask for it if I missed something helpful. Appreciate you taking the time to read this, thank you!
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