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  1. Dear John Many thanks for the reply. My setup is a Spitfire cockpit, with Spitsim flying controls and a Simbutik instrument panel. The files you ask for are as follows: ********* FSUIPC6, Version 6.1.6 (4th November 2021) by Pete & John Dowson ********* Prepar3D.exe version = Running inside Prepar3D v5 Module base=7FFBBEF00000 Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 22631, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0) Reading options from "C:\Users\mikeh\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.ini" Checking the Registrations now ... User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC6 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 0 System time = 16/02/2025 15:39:52 0 FLT path = "C:\Users\mikeh\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\" 0 Using DialogMode 0 FS path = "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\" 672 Controllers are set to ON, using RawInput within P3D 672 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 672 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 672 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 672 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 5734 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v5", Version: (SimConnect: 5734 Generating controls file list: 'C:\Users\mikeh\Documents\FSUIPC6\Controls List for P3Dv5 Build 28482.txt' 5750 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 5750 FSUIPC Menu entry added 5750 ... Using Prepar3D with Academic License 5765 C:\Users\mikeh\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV RM619 GS RM619 - 2024-09-27 17-08-08.fxml 5765 C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\SimObjects\Airplanes\RealAir Spitfire XIV 2007\RAS_SpitXIV.air 56765 ### The user object is 'Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV RM619 GS' 56765 ### Mode is NORMAL 57890 ### Mode: PAUSE on 85047 Loading Complete ... 85062 ### Mode is NORMAL 86187 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 86218 User Aircraft ID 2 supplied, now being used 86281 System time = 16/02/2025 15:41:18, Simulator time = 15:40:46 (15:40Z) 91406 ### Mode: PAUSE on 93203 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 94312 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 140609 ### Mode is NORMAL 160187 **** Restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception **** 162906 ### Mode: PAUSE on 197937 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 112 secs = 29.8 fps 197937 Max AI traffic was 29 aircraft 197937 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 355578 ### Mode is NORMAL 1024297 **** Restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception **** 1136281 **** Restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception **** 1935453 ### Mode: PAUSE on 1994297 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 1777 secs = 29.9 fps 1994297 Max AI traffic was 34 aircraft 1994297 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017468 Weather Mode now = Custom 2017750 C:\Users\mikeh\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\LC approach.fxml 2067578 ### Mode is NORMAL 2577843 ### Mode: PAUSE on 2620422 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 581 secs = 29.8 fps 2620422 Max AI traffic was 16 aircraft 2620422 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2625500 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... 2634297 === DLLStop called ... 2634297 === Closing external processes we started ... 2634797 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 2635703 === About to kill my timers ... 2635703 === Restoring window procs ... 2635703 === Unloading libraries ... 2635703 === stopping other threads ... 2635703 === ... Button scanning ... 2635797 === ... Axis scanning ... 2635906 === Releasing joystick devices ... 2635906 === Freeing macro memory 2635906 === Removing any offset overrides 2635906 === Clearing any displays left 2635906 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ... 2635906 === AI slots deleted! 2635906 === Freeing button memory ... 2635906 === Deleting wxstationlist.bin file ... 2635906 === Closing my Windows ... 2635906 === Freeing FS libraries ... 2636906 === Closing devices ... 2636906 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 2636906 System time = 16/02/2025 16:23:49, Simulator time = 16:16:04 (16:16Z) 2636906 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 29.5 fps, Maximum was 30.0 fps Average frame rate for running time of 2475 secs = 29.9 fps Maximum AI traffic for session was 34 aircraft Memory managed: 1157 Allocs, 1157 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** Ini file: General] UpdatedByVersion=6106 History=68OBINBK2JEB0F221LEZI AxesWrongRange=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40,3 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No ThreadAffinityMask=x0 LuaAffinityMask=x0 InitDelay=0 GetNearestAirports=No LogOptionProtect=Yes TimeToDelayTexts=100 TimeForLuaClosing=2 WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 TrafficStallTime=1 InitialStallTime=10 NormalStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 ComReadLoopTime=20 FSVersionUsed="Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v5", SimConnectUsed= ControlsListBuild=28482 Console=No ConsoleWindowTopMost=No [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [Window.Message Window] NewDocked=15, 35, 1890, 17 Controls list is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yasupi32vvc9170nmk13r/Controls-List-for-P3Dv5-Build-28482.txt?rlkey=pjulompt2pmoxgacdsvuhopum&st=gc5t3w3o&dl=0 If I should send/share any other files please let me know. Many thanks for your help Mike
  2. Prior to and on take-off, flaps and gear operate normally, but when making an approach to land, neither work, including keyboard commands. I have to save the scenario and then load it for the flaps and gear to work again. This problem started after installing FS Global Real Weather. I uninstalled it along with FSUIPC, but the problem continues. I have since re-installed both since removing them didn't make any difference. Many thanks Mike
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