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Jim Anslow

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    Florida, USA

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  1. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sun-forum *** I had FSUIPC 7.4.2 (registered) installed with my MSFS2020, and everything worked great. Received a pop-up notice during startup that there was a new version of FSUIPC (7.5.2e) available, so I downloaded it. Just to be safe, I completely uninstalled my previous installation, and installed the new program with no trouble at all. I kept all of the programs defaults, with the exception of the installation folder, which I relocated just as I had done previously. Now, when I start MSFS202, I am once again getting the notice that there is a new version (7.5.2e) available, and do I want to download it, even though I have the newer version installed. Have I missed something?
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