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Posts posted by A330Fan

  1. Hi, Pete,

    thank you for your patience.

    Your statement was right.


    If that is all your FSUIPC button assignments then it mostr certainly is NOT dual assignment in FSUIPC. You must look at FS assignments, or just disable controllers in FSX



    I controlled the Controller BU0836 in FSX step by step and deleted all assignments because the BU0836 will completely controlled by FSUIPC.

    Now it works.. All the switches are doing what they should do with no double function.

    Thank you for your Support.




  2. Hi, Pete,

    thank you so much for your feedback regarding to my switch problem. I understand what you mean.

    I am a Little bit confused actually the switches should work fine. The joke is both switches are doing

    what they should do. They set the engines to ON and OFF. Unfortenately they makes a double function

    as I wrote.

    In FSX I deleted all assignments for the axes because all axes will be controlled by FSUIPC.

    Here you can see an extract from the FSUIPC ini:


    4=P2,14,CM1:1,0           Rotary switch

    6=U2,14,CM1:2,0           Rotary switch

    9=P2,21,C66079,71       gear (not Mouse Macro)

    10=U2,21,C66080,71     gear (not Mouse Macro)

    11=P2,7,CM1:3,0           engine2

    14=U2,0,CM1:5,0          engine1

    15=P2,0,CM1:4,0          engine1

    16=U2,7,CM1:7,0          engine2


    I think the figures looks OK.





    It seems to be that there is no solution for that because I couldn'd find any mistake.

    So I have to use the mouse again to use the switches at the monitor

  3. Hi. Pete,

    today I have one Problem with the function Mouse Macro.

    I'd like to confugure some Switches for an Airbus WILCO A320.

    Switch Nr 1 (Rotary Switch) ignition On/Off

    Switch Nr 2 Engine 2 On/Off

    Switch Nr 3 Engine 1 On/Off

    Switch Nr 4 gear up/down


    Now, allswitches are working so far. But the switch 2 witches the éngine ON and at the same way the gear up

    The switch 3 Switches the engine On and at the same way the Brakes from the aircraft.

    So, Switch 1 and 4 are switching properly, I didn't find any double function.

    The question is how can I stop the undesirable effects of Switch 2 and 3.

    The Switches Shows in FSUIPC (Buttons & Switches) following figures:

    Switch 1 joy# 2   Btn#  14

    Switch 2 joy# 2   Btn#    7

    Switch 3 joy# 2   Btn#    0

    Switch 4 joy# 2   Btn#  21

    Hope there is a solution to stop those undesirable effects of Switch 2 and 3.






  4. Hi, Pete,

    thank you for your feedback to my question about FSUIPC4.

    Sorrry, my problem is, I am not perfect in English language.

    So it is difficult to describe what I mean.

    Last years I used to work with FS9 and the A320 with the throttle Lever.

    In FS9 and FSUIPC 3.75 I put in the little parameter window 50+0 for the way down

    and 77+0 for the way up to idle. Requirement was the following Change in the







    I tried to make the same change for the fsx.cfg. But no success.

    The Problem is I have no idea what the figures meant. I got the

    figures from a other flightsimulator freak. No Chance to contact him.

    You ask what I am trying to achieve?

    Verry easy, I'd like use the throttel lever to trigger the reverser.

    It works properly with FS9 but not in FSX.

    At the moment I am using the keys F1+F2 to enable the reverser.




  5. Hi,

    hope anybody can help.

    I bought FSUIPC4 because I installed FSX and the WILCO Airbus A320.

    Now I installed a self build Airbus throttle. The throttle is controlled by

    BU0836 Controller.

    To configure the range IDLE-TOGA  in the register axis assignment was no problem.

    But how to configure the reverser in that register?

    Which figure I have to write in the Little window (parameter) below key press & release for down

    and which figure I have write in the other window (parameter) for up?




  6. Hi, Pete,

    now my airbus throttle is working well. I got an advice from a friend to install the tool named "Throttle" written by Josè Oliviera. This tool is working together with FSUIPC only. That was it. Now the throttle is

    working like a real airbus throttle.

    For all the flusi freaks which are reading this posting. If they are like to use a self made airbus throttle and they got problems with the thr-tool

    and FSUIPC they can ask me. I will help with advices whenever I can.

    At last I must say. The registered version FSUIPC is a must have for

    flight simmers. Thank you Pete.



  7. Hi, Pete,

    at the moment I can't do anything with the throttle because I am working on it.

    But one answer to your question. The airliner is the A330 made by Phoenix Software (PSS) My friend in Berlin is using the same aircraft

    software. You won't believe it. He has no problems with FSUIPC.

    Its aircraft is working properly and the idle N1 ist 24% which is normal.

    But we can't find out where is the difference between my PC and his.

    We are using both the MS-Flightsimulator 2004 and FSUIPC 3.75

    Hope I understand you right. Only the line 9 is reason for the strange

    thing with the rudder. I asked my friend wether he is using the steering

    tiller. No answer until now.



  8. Hallo Pete,

    I hope that someone will read this postings und is able to help.

    Yes, I posted this problem in another Forum which is called

    “Homecockpit”. But the echo was very thin. One of the answers

    was: It won’t do with FSUIPC. But I didn’t think so. There

    were only two questions. Why are the engines in IDLE running with

    48% N1 and why doesn’t the reverser working? The other positions

    are working very precisely with the figures I posted. I got this figures

    from a friend in Berlin and I copied the figures in the FSUIPC.ini.

    I did only make a little correction in the lines. From 1Z I changed it in 0Z.

    By the way I find out why the rudder didn’t work. I erased the lines

    zero and nine. Look at my first posting and you will see what I mean.

    The problem is it works now but I can’t explain it. Why is it working

    If the both lines are erased?

    So at the moment I dismantled the throttle. I have an idea how

    to make the levers running more precisely from one to another


    Thank you Pete that give your answers so fast for trying to help.



  9. Hallo Pete,

    thank you again for your answers. But I think there is no chance that I

    can understand you because of my lack of English knowledge. At the

    other way I'm not able exactly to explain what I mean respectively what

    my problem is.

    So I stopped my project "self build thtottle". It seems to be that there is no chance to realize the function of an Airbus throttle by FSUIPC. It is such a pity because I spend a lot of money for it.

    But that is life somtimes I win sometimes I lose.



  10. Hallo Pete,

    again and again Thank you that your answers are comming so fast.

    My Friend did translate your mail and he has got the following question.

    You have written:

    >>You need to calibrate for an output value of 0 (zero) at idel.<<

    But how can I calibrate an output value of zero at idle position?

    What I need is an FSUIPC OUT value of -16200 not at the end of the

    potentiometer range (what is 23,6% N1 and an output value of zero) but at a

    lever (and potentiometer) position that corresponds a FSUIPC value of

    about -8200. How can I manage that?

    At last I got a new problem when I copy the figures in the FSUIPC.ini

    the rudder of the A330 is moving without using the pedals and most

    of the time it is positioned on the right.

    When I change the FSUIPC.ini to an file without Axes figures the rudder works exactly as it should. Now I am a little bit cofused. What is that?



  11. Hi Pete,

    thank you so much. I have to translate what you wrote, and that

    would be difficult.

    You are right the throttle in the PSS Airbus moves with Plus or Minus characters.

    But the figures 16384 and -16384 are real if I move the throttle

    from one end to the other the window in FSUIPC shows me that.

    I will ask a friend to help me to translate what you wrote because

    he is a teacher.

    Thank you again and

    Best regards


  12. Hi Pete,

    thank you so much for your fast answer. But I have a problem to

    understand what you mean. So I need some time to digest mental

    what you wrote.

    Sorry Pete but I am a German and my English knowledge is not so

    perfect. Thank you again for your answer.

    Best Regards


  13. Hi, Friends,

    In addition to my first posting FSUIPC 3.75 here are the figures from the FSUIPC.ini.

    [Axes.PSS A330-200 PW Lufthansa]











    The FS is the FS2004.



  14. Hi Friends,

    I have a problem to use axes assignment for a self build throttle

    for the A330.

    In Position idle the engines are running with 48% N1 und the Reverser

    won't start.

    Eight positions I selcted for the positions from idle to CLB to FLX to

    TOGA and back via idle to reverser and back to idle again.

    Can anybody give any advice?

    If you need more information ask for.

    I beg your pardon when I make some mistakes in this forum. But

    it is my first thread. Maybe I wrote this thread again but I can' find the first one anywhere.

    You can see the figures from the FSUIPC.ini in the second posting

    with name FSUIPC 3.75, too.

    With greetings from the Baltic Sea


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