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Posts posted by westv

  1. Hello Francois

    I would help if online stores did not sell this crap in the first place.

    I buy nearly all my Addons through Simmarket and it saddens me to see rubbish like the new "coasters" on sale there.

    Please could Simmarket not sell addons that it feels may be a disappointment to the unwary buyer.

    If a newcomer to FS buys his first addons and comes away dissapointed he may never risk any hard earned money again.

    Many years ago my first addon was a certain Commander 115, which due to no fault on my part did not fully install.

    My first email exchange with the Developer would have put most folk off buying anymore Payware.

    You never get a second chance to make a first impression and stores like Simmarket could be losing customers by stocking rubbish

    I asked about quality control in another thread and my query was poo pooed.

  2. Guys, it so happens I agree with ya.... I'm a forum animal, you know that. But Miguel seems to think I'm old-fashioned, so are forums and it would be better to pull all readers into the news site.... and obviously closer to the commercial part of it.

    I sort of let this little balloon float to gauge some first reactions..... truth is I am pretty tired discussing these sort of things with my 'other half'. But maybe that is just my fault. Life's been tough these past 12 months. I have to do some nasty tests in hospital this Friday. If it turns out all is okay, maybe the energy will return. Or maybe it is time to retire :roll:

    Or maybe pigs CAN actually fly !

    Good luck on Friday, Francois. Hope all goes well.

    Tell Miguel he doesn't know what he is talking about. :lol:

  3. On that topic and hence OFF TOPIC (of reading and (my abundant) writing.... )the owner of these forums, of simFlight and of simMarket is seriously doubtful we should continue these forums. He thinks we'd be better off just to use the news site (blog) where we have news AND comments all neatly dumped together in one place and a lot less management needed from us mods (meaning ME). :shock:

    We'll put up a poll and a discussing on that soon.

    What?! Forums closing? Over our dead bodies (well not literally but you know what I mean)!!

  4. The tune of the UK National Anthem is called "America" and is used by several songs - including two National Anthems! ;)

    I'm sure you meant to say that the fine tune which is known as the UK National Anthem is so admired that several songs and even two nations use it in order to show their appreciation of everything that is British. :D :D

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