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  1. Hi Pete! Just wanted to say we successfully programmed the Manifold pressure gauge and RPM gauge. We used the FSUIPC V. 3761 you provided, and it works great, The RC-servos move very much smoother than before. Totally acceptable. I havent been able to test if other instruments behave jerky as I promised to do. Maybe someone else can inform us of problems they are havin with RC-servo instruments using SIMKITS or Opencockpits IOcards here?
  2. Thanks Pete! Wow you are fast! Well on Opencockpits forum I found 2 people with the same problem as I have with RC-servo instruments and jerky movement of the needle. One who is building a manifold pressure instrument, like me. And a fellow, who built a flap gauge, and a speedbrake movement, what ever that is? So ill make a few trials with the old FSUIPC first to see if there are more gauges that behaves jerky, and then I´ll let you known as soon as possible. The reason why it´s only now begun to be a problem is that the RC-servo card at Opencockpits haven´t been around for so long. Its relatively new, and people haven´t used it much yet I guess. Or it´s been used for other instruments or functions that aren´t affected by this jerky movement behaviour.
  3. Hi Pete! I have a problem with a homebuilt manifold pressure gauge using a RC-servo pluged into Opencokpits servocard. The gauge moves to it´s correct position, but it moves jerky. Not with a smooth movement. I have the exact same problem when I connect my homebuilt manifold pressure gauge to my Simkits interface card. Simkits also use FSUIPC to read and write data to and from MS flightsimulator. Are all microsoft flightsimulator instrument values read by FSUIPC updated at same rates? Are the instrument values inside MS flightsimulator calculated at same rates? Or do some instruments have priority over others? I have a wild idea that the value for manifold pressure provided in offset Offset 08C0 through FSUIPC is updated at a too low speed. Can you do something in FSUIPC to improve the data rate coming out if it is that whitch is causing my problem? I have tryed several servos. No mechanical problem. I use a powered USB hub for my Simkits interface card, to avoid voltage drop to my servos. As suggested by Simkits.
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