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Everything posted by mikepalmer3

  1. Hi,Can anyone help,I am having a problem installing RFP using Windows Vista,nothing happens when I click on the installer buttons,is there a way round this and what method is there,Regards,Mike.
  2. Hi,can anyone help me with a problem I'm having with 3rd party add ons using Windows Vista,they all worked ok with XP,one particular addon I'm having a problem with is British Airports 1-5 by Just Flight,the path I am using is c:\program files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 2004,it seems to install ok but I can't find it when I go into FS2004,any suggestions? Regards Mike P.
  3. Hi Pete and anyone wh tried to help solve my problem with FS9 loaded on Vista,still having various problems like software loads itself into c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games,can't seem to locate FS Module File)when I go into fs9 HELP it shows the build as 9.01. 40901,I have tried 3.764 & 3.75 to no avail,I managed to get it running ( Kind Of )when I uninstalled all addons like Traffic,scenery and third party stuff like Abacus AirBus A380 etc,but I get LIGHTNING type Flashes surrounding the Aircraft and scenery,What Now?? Regards Mike (Mikepalmer3)
  4. :cry: HI any body out there can help me with FS2004,I have just loaded this on to new pc with Vista,worked fine on XP,Problem I am getting is message reading:FSUIPC 9.01.40901 not for this version fs 2004 Build should be 9.00.30612,anyone else had similar problem? and how do I solve it,tried to download version FSUIPC3.75 but it seems to have stopped fs 2004 from getting beyond the start up stage,HELP,not very computer literate so need stage by stage instruction,Regards Mike Palmer
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