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Everything posted by cachiozza

  1. Ill keep trying thanks!
  2. I see there is a driver/profile for pmdg777 but I have not found one for q400. Thats my issue.
  3. I can get most buttons to work with the GF MCP but the LED dont update when changed with the knobs. I also have the GIT as well. And a paid version of FSUIPC. Is there a way to make this happen? Chris
  4. Disregard, I finally got it to work. For whatever reason when setting each zone I had to quickly double click the 'set' button twice to get the zone to work. Not sure why.
  5. Here are the screen shots and you can see the 3rd one will not change the 'set' number like the other. https://www.evernote.com/l/AAeEXhH0j25AbYuIQQUJeYfOaGIwY7xjzN4 https://www.evernote.com/l/AAeEXhH0j25AbYuIQQUJeYfOaGIwY7xjzN4
  6. Yes I calibrated it windows and assigned it to flaps in fsuipc. I finally got flaps 1 and 5 assigned but when I try to assign 15 I click the center 'set' button and the number does not change like it does when assigning 1 and 5. Very confused as to what I am doing wrong.
  7. I have tried to set up zones for my flaps and nothing works. If I set up "flaps" under axis assignment and then go to joystick calibration (6 of 11) and click the 'detent' button I get the 3 set buttons and in #1 zone the middle button shows '1'. When I try and move the flaps down to set the top of the zone and the bottom of the zone numbers do not change. I press the zone #2 button and it shows 16381 in the middle but again when pressing the 'set' button the zones dont change. And it is calibrated. When I go back to the sim the lever works but not until I moved past 50%. Any ideas?
  8. Ok Ill give that a try if I can figure it out.
  9. Is there a way to adjust the travel on the flaps, ie. "slope" button? When I move the lever of 0 to 5 it takes about 1/2 of the travel and then it is very sensitive after that. Hope that makes sense.
  10. I removed the reg entries but still same.
  11. How do I remove the saitek drivers?
  12. I will try that and report back
  13. When I assign a saitek throttle quadrant lever to throttle 1 and go back to the sim, it immediately puts the spoiler out and reverses the thrust on 1. I can assign it to "throttle" and it works fine. I have deleted all axis in P3D. Any ideas?
  14. Ok thanks for the help!
  15. When I click a rocker switch to assign a key nothing happens. fsuipc does not see the panel as best I can tell. Should it work? or See it?
  16. Yes I am using 8.1. Seems like I saw the same thing somewhere. I research that...Chris
  17. I will have to get the version I am on. Its wierd sometimes P3D V2.5 see the joysticks and sometimes it does not. I rebooted last night and they were listed in P3d and fsuipc did pick them up. But they disappeared from the list when I checked later. Very strange. Thanks Pete
  18. I have a reg verion of fsuipc and I cannot get it to "see" my saitek throttles. Is there a fix for this?
  19. Yes, sorry FSUIPC4, ok I will try that and see. But LINDA is doing it as well. Very confused. Thanks for the quick response.
  20. I am having a strange problem with FSUIPC2. When I record a button on my joystick and assign a key to it when I press that particular joystick key the wrong key is send to FSX. What is even more weird when I use LINDA and record or assign a key press to a joystick the same thing happens. I really do ot understand what can be causing it. Any help?
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