thanks for your reply.
according to advdisplay zip file which include the advdisply.dll and other documents. if you refer to the PDF document it mentions in the installation and use section you will find as follow:1.copy advdisply.dll into FS modules folder. 2. run FS. 3. go to Modules menu and check the advdisply entry.what does it mean?.
i hope i am not bothering you but i have another thing need more clarification. i think advdisply is not working propely. i tried to use the tutorials in this web site http://www.jdtllc.com/tutorials.htm, the first one and the second i filed my plant route with flight commander and run it in radar control but when i start the FS with the Advdisply it should show in the first line the waypoint and the heading and the frequency, but it doesnot do that it shows a No;which i think the frequency, then the heading then no. zero. i hope i could not be a heavy guest but i hope you will find me the problem and so i can fix it