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G Fisher

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Posts posted by G Fisher

  1. Also, I would check the calibration of that axis before making the assignment to insure that nthe output moves 'smoothly' with the input.



    Problem is resolved. Even though after re-assigning the mixture and the numbers matching the other axis assignments, the throttle wheel on my CHpro Fighterstick still insisted on being on or off with no gradual movement in between.

    I took your advice GB and did a Windoze calibration and then reassigned in FSUIPC. It now works as advertised.  :)

    Thank you.

  2. I've assigned all my axis' with FSUIPC, they all work properly except one and I don't understand the difference.  Specifically, I've assigned the mixture control to my CHpro Stick's throttle wheel.  The problem is, it's either on or off like a button and not an axis.  What needs to be done to the menu as in the image below to make it function as an axis. I've used this same control in the windows set up with out this problem. Thank you. :)





  3. Well, that's a great oversimplification. FSUIPC takes over nothing. You have to tell it what you want it to do. It is completely unaware of whether you disabled controllers in FSX or not. I've no idea where you get such an idea from!


    I'm sorry I left out a few words, I didn't think I had to be so litteral "I understood that I should be able to turn off the controllers in FSX by unchecking the controllers box in the settings menu and have FSUIPC take over the duties after having set it up."



    Well I never said FSUIPC could fix bugs in Win8.1. Other folks may have said that, never I.




    I never suggested or assumed that you fixed Windoze bugs, other folks have said that FSUIPC was a "work around".  I was merely trying to understand how to use FSUIPC to replace the FSX controllers!

    Thanks for your input.  :???:

  4. I understood that I should be able to turn off the controllers in FSX by unchecking the controllers box in the settings menu and have FSUIPC take over the duties. I tried that and had nothing. So I turned on FSX controllers again. I have no idea if FSUIPC is doing the controlling or if it's FSX.  I do know however that after setting up some of the controlling, mainly the axis's in FSUIPC that FSX still loses the controllers randomly in mid flight which is a fairly common glitch with Windoze 8. If you pause the sim and look at the settings, it says something to the effect that contollers are unnasigned.  According to hundreds of posts on the internet, FSUIPC was the only cure. I read somewhere that Prepar3D had tackleld the issue with success by rewriting some of the code that FSX uses.

    If I can't turn off FSX controllers and use FSUIPC for controlling then I don't see how it can be a fix.

  5. I was under the impression that setting up my controllers through FSUIPC would solve the problem of Windoze 8/FSX losing my controllers. I assumed FSUIPC was going to take over the controller duties regardless what FSX did with them.  That doesn't seem to be the case, I've assigned axis and buttons to FSUIPC and still I lose the FSX controllers and no longer have control in FSX.  I'm not able to turn off controllers in FSX and still have the use of my controllers as the FSUIPC manual suggests.

    Can someone explain how to use the controllers in FSX by way of FSUIPC?



  6. I read the PDF document you linked to. My FSX is located in Program Files (x86) and it's set to allow any user and run as Admin. I'm not going to re-install FSX. I did however re-install FSC9 as administrator and it's location is C:\Aerosoft\FSC9\

    FSC9 is still not saving the PMDG flightplan in the PMDG Flightplans folder, even though the log as in the OP claims it did.

    Is there a workaround for this, can I edit a line in the FSC.ini, similar to this...





    I saved a plan for XPlane as well as FSC and FSX, it showed up in the XPlane folder. If I could get it to do that with a PMDG flightplan, I'd be quite happy to move it manually to PMDG.  :rolleyes:


  7. I have all the paths set in FSC 9.5 except there's no option to set a path to PMDG flightplans. There is a checkbox however when saving but it's not red as it is for FSC and FSX. In the Support log I found that FSC claims to have saved the PMDG flightplan, but when I look in the folder there is only a default tutorial plan from 2009.


    2014-02-20 11:19:38 AM FSC  · Version 9.5 · Build: 04-January-2014
    2014-02-20 11:20:42 AM Flight plan successfully written: C:\Aerosoft\FSC9\flightplan\FSC\TTCPNRR.pln
    2014-02-20 11:20:42 AM Flight plan successfully written: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT GAMES\MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR X\PMDG\FLIGHTPLANS\TTCPNRR.rte
    2014-02-20 11:20:42 AM Flight plan successfully written: C:\Users\alkys_000\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\TTCPNRR.pln
    2014-02-20 11:20:45 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2014-02-20 11:20:45 AM Protocol checks: 0
    2014-02-20 11:20:45 AM Logfile closed
    2014-02-20 11:20:45 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  8. I'm having the same problem. Leaving the disable controller box checked I assumed that FSUIPC4 would override the FS settings, this didn't work either. I suffer from the disappearing controllers issue with Windoze 8 and after setting up some flight surfaces in FSUIPC4 I was doing a flight and lost my FS controllers. There was no response even though I thought I had set them up FSUIPC4.

    I find the manual very confusing as there's nothing in the menu to indicate that the setting is saved, it seems like one has to hit OK and then restart FSUIPC4.

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