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  1. it wasent that i was not reading the SDK some of it just was not making much sense to me. but after reading it over and over and reading your comments, i worked it out! one of the problems i was having was the large number being output would not equal that of FS-Interrogate after performing the same math calculations that are used by FS-Interogate, but finnaly i managed to get it to work! // Get altitude long Result = 0; result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x0570, 8, ref token, ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref Result); double lowalt = Result * 3.28084 / 65536 / 65536; double tlowalt = Math.Round(lowalt, 0); altit.Text = Convert.ToString(tlowalt);
  2. ahh finnaly im getting somewhere after reading the SDK in depth i have found FSUIPC.cs had a ready made function to return 64 bit results, only problem is its outputting a very long number still, all be it a different number!! long Result = 0; // Get altitude result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x0570, 8, ref token, ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref Result); long acalt = Result; altit.Text = Convert.ToString(acalt); ouputs: 566534471680 in FS: 432.8? is there somekind of mathematical calculation i need to perform to convert a to b?
  3. i took one look at c++ and ran miles, i find C# increadibly easy compared to C++ due to its similarities to PHP which i have been using for about 2 years yeah i have a look at it, couldnt make much sense of the installation :S any i have had an idea on how to change dwResult to a 64-bit variable so im going to give that a shot.
  4. Okay. I'm a bit lost with C#. Is that "dwResult" a 64-bit integer? You are correctly reading 8 bytes (which is 64 bits), but it looks like you maybe are only using the first 32-bits, which would be the fraction of a metre in 1/(65536*65536) ths. your right dwResult is set as a 32 it integer, i have changed it to a "Long" a 64 bit integer but thats kicked up loads or errors im not 100% sure im just learning c# myself how that got in there im not sure, as for using FSInterrogate, its showing the correct altitude in the factored column?
  5. sorry im using C# to get the alitude using FSUIPC: the code: // Get altitude result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x0570, 8, ref token, ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref dwResult); double acalt = dwResult/ (65536 / 65536); altit.Text = Convert.ToString(acalt);
  6. how on earth do i get the altitude out of FS? currently its outputting: 908591104 where in fact when i press CTRL+Z in FS it shows: 269.7? i can't for the life of me workout how to get it to output the correct altitude
  7. i copied the code form the example in the SDK for C# but im getting a value of 0 when pulling the longitude from FS? the code: double longHi = 0; double longLo = 0; double longitude = 0; // Get longitude result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x056C, 4, ref token, ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref dwResult); longHi = dwResult; result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x0568, 4, ref token, ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Process(ref dwResult); result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Get(ref token, ref dwResult); longLo = dwResult; if (longLo != 0) { longLo = longLo / (65536.0 * 65536.0); } if (longHi > 0) { longitude = longHi + longLo; input3.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(longitude)); } else { longitude = longHi - longLo; input3.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(longitude)); }
  8. from the SDK docs:
  9. me again, im at the point now in which i am using FSUIPC to get the data from FS, but ihave hit a brickwall getting my program to build due to errors with the code. the following peice of code is the first instance of anything to do with FSUIPC: public Fsuipc () { FSUIPC_Close(); FSUIPC_Initialization(); } but its showing an error:
  10. ahh that would have been 100% easier than getting them from FSNav. well thanks for your help, i have managed to get my app to calculate distance in NM from a Lat/Long to and ICAO specified :D considering i only started learning C# a day ago im on a roll :D
  11. correct me if im wrong but should there not already be a file somewhere within the FS9 folder with all airports names, icao, lat and long in?
  12. Yew, the Aircraft On Ground flag at offset 0366. How the hell did i miss that lol im using FS-Interrogate2 to get variables etc, i went throught the entire list last night and couldnt find it lol Only if you know the lat/lon of the airport. That's not something FS or FSUIPC can look up for you. If you do have it, it's a matter of spherical trigonometry, though for short distances you could simplify by assuming a flat Earth! ;-) Regards Pete i might just have every fs9 airport in a database along with its lat longs edit: no i dont damn, any ideas where i could obtain these free?
  13. im currently writing an Application for use with FS, i need to know if there is anyway i can determine if an aircraft is in contact with the ground via FSUIPC? and... is it possible to calculate the distance in NM from an aircraft current position to a specified ICAO airport code?
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