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  1. I sent you the main ini file.I have a separate folder with more ini files for some individual profiles that I made. I will send you a couple of those shortly.
  2. Pete here is the ini file. FSUIPC4.rar
  3. Thanks Pete. I don't need the slope function for the mixture axis. Just thought there was something wrong with the program because the slope option only disappeared for mixture1, it still shows up for the other three mixture axis. Thanks Roger
  4. I am using fsuipc 4.949c. I was in the calibration page and tried to use the Sync Pos button on page 4 mixture page I noticed that the slope button for mixture 1 was gone? I have looked at the rest of my profiles and the slope button for Mixture 1 is not there in any of the other profiles either. The slope button appears for all the rest of the mixture axis in all profiles. How can I fix this? Should I just uninstall fsuipc and do a clean install? Thanks Roger
  5. Thank You for your reply My question now is can I change the Use Profiles=Yes to =No within the INI file and go back to Aircraft specific? I only enabled Use Profiles=Yes because I thought I had no choice in the matter.The Aircraft specific has never caused any problems for me and I would like to continue with that method. Thanks Again Roger
  6. I already had many Aircraft specific profiles before 4.50,and I used ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring.#1 If I continue to use the substring method I take it I have nothing else to do right? #2 I added UseProfiles=yes to the .ini file therefore I see all the new Specfic Profles in the .ini file, but I really do not know if I need to use them.#3 If you do use them how do you add all the aircrafts to each Specfic Profile,I take it you would have to load each plane (including each and every variation) into FSUIPC and pick the Profile that you want to add this aircraft to right? Thanks Roger
  7. I just bought a Saitek Evo Joystick and would like to know what method I could use to use 1 of the bittons as Shift buttons or can this not be done? I have read the advanced manual but I am still having problems getting this to work. The joystick comes up as #3, the button I want to use as the shift is #10,and I want to Toggle Nav lights with Button #7. So I want to Hold #10 as I press #7 to have the Nav lights Toggle. From reading the Advanced manual it looks like I would use the Compound Button Conditions,but I can not make it work. Thanks for any help.
  8. I would like to use The Autobrake Set feature but I am not sure how to go about it. I take it it can only be assigned in the Bottons and Switches or the Key presses page? I tried to use the Z axis on my Throttle Quadrant ( I used the right side of the Axis assignment page picked Autobrake Set from the FS Control drop down menu and set the parameter 1007)but that does not seem to work. When you use the Autobrake Set feature (On the proper page)what all do you have to do? Does setting the parameter to 1007 take care of all the different settings like Off, RTO, 5.Does it just toggle through the different positions each time you toggle the button you have assigned? I will get this all straight sooner or later I have 1 Generic and 7 specific assignments made so far. Thanks again
  9. Thank you very much for the info,found it helped me understand much better. I downloaded the attachment and used Winzip to try to open it but that does not work, Winzip says unsupported compression method 98 error. I would really like to get a look at the file you attached. Thanks again
  10. I have read and reread the users guide but I still do not understand some parts. I take it you can have only 1 Generic set of assignments.Is that correct? Pg 43 Users Guide Where it talks about twin throttles Calibrate throttles 1 and 2 then check option Map 1->12,2->34 I know how to do this but when does this apply? Does it only apply to a specific assignment? Also in this same area you can assign Map 1->12,2->3 for 3 engine planes again I know how I just do not understand when or how it can be used. It looks like you have to make a large amount of assignments to cover all the different types of planes cause unless I am missing something your Generic can apply to only one type say all single engine planes,therefore the only way you can control all the rest ( if you want different assignments and I think you would) is by Specific assignment. I know you can use the ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring,but seeing as how it is not a good thing to change the Title of the Default aircraft it seems to mean a large number of Specific assignments are needed. Please let me know if I am missing anything or is this what you have to do? Also how many different assignments do you need? When it comes to eg Single engine planes do you need different assignments for Turbo and non Turbo? Again Thanks for any info.
  11. Thanks for the reply I have disabled the FSX assignment area and I am using FSUIPC for all joystick assignments so that was not the problem.I check FSX often to make sure it is still disabled. I do not really care if I have to start all new specific aircraft assignment from scratch I just do not want the new ones to affect my existing ones. I will check those pages you mention and hope it does not happen again. Roger
  12. I had to Delete FSUIPC to solve the problem. I had no trouble with any of the axis in Axis assignments but those axis I mentioned above were unable to be calibrated in the Joystick Calibration window. I have no General assignments only one Aircraft Specific at the moment could someone please explain what my responses to the pop up questions should be that come up when I go to add another Aircraft Specific assignment. I have worked and read about this all week long and really do not want to have to reinstall again. Thanks for any help
  13. I managed to create an (Aircraft Specific) assignment for two engine prop planes without too many problems but when I tried to create another Aircraft specific assignment for single engine planes that is when the problems started.I loaded a single engine plane in FSX clicked on FSUIPC went to axis assignments clicked on aircraft specific,a box opens at the top and asks (DO YOU WANT CHANGES SO FAR TO BE SAVED FIRST) WHAT changes i just started?answered yes Then it asks (DO YOU WANT TO APPLY THE GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS TO THIS AIRCRAFT) again I said Yes. I did all my Axis Assignments, every thing went normal numbers changing from - to +,then I went to Joystick Calibration,this is where the problem starts, Toe brakes Right and Left,Rudder,Ailerons and Elevator do nothing when I click on set also no numbers show at all when you move that axis. The bad part of this is that the first assignment I made for the two engine planes is doing the same thing which means I can not fly. Maybe I forgot to click aircraft specific when I first went to Joystick Calibration I do not know if that would do it,guess I will have to start from scratch by deleting all the aircraft specific info in the INI file?? Thanks in advance for any Help
  14. Just got my key and am busy reading all the docs I can find.While reading Pete Dowsons FSUIPC4 For Advanced Users I see that on Page 32 under (Assignment of additional axis controls ) where Pete is talking about Reverser,Ailerons, Rudder Trims and Cowl flaps he makes reference to (FSUIPC's Joystick section) having more info about this on page 7 or 8.My question is what document is he making reference to? I can not find any doc that came with the program with a Joystick section on page 7 or 8. Thanks for any info :roll:
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