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  1. I have the Precision Flight Controls Avionics stack. I recently purchased the XP Reality Garmin 530. I also have FSUIPC 4. Does anyone know how to program or map the keys for the PFC avionics hardware to work on xp's 530. I know PFC has come out with a new hardware device called the pfc430 but it costs around $595. Is there a way to map the buttons in FSUIPC to work the XP Garmin 530 with the built in GPS controller that comes with the PFC Avionics stack?
  2. Finally got it working. It also works with Google earth, which is pretty cool. I was able to send the signal to my garmin 196 and Google earth at the same time. Google earth gives you a live picture of where you are while you are flying. The only negative thing is that when linking up with Google earth, It gives you a birds eye view looking down instead of panning out and lateral movement which would be a little more realistic. Still trying to figure out how to get that to work. Thanks for the above info.
  3. I downloaded the Franson GpsGate 2.6 version and try as I might I could not get it to recognize the input data. I tried setting the gpsout data going to virtual port 1, to gpsgate, and still it would say it was running but not receiving any input data. Have you been successful in getting this to work. It seems in theory that it should work. It appears that the gpsgate program is looking for nmea data instead of Aviation in data. I dont know if that was the problem or not, however I did try checking the boxes labeled rmc gll gsv gca vtg and gsa, still to no avail. If anyone has had success in getting this to work please let me know. It would be nice to be able to send data to more than 1 gps at a time. I downloaded a trial version of Franson Gpsgate for 14 days. I would be glad to purchase a registered copy if it will work. Any help appreciated.
  4. I have a garmin 196 gps, and a pocket pc gps program, both of which i have been successful in working with fsx using fsuipc. Just wondering if there is a way we can send data to both of them at the same time using fsuipc. Would like to be able to use multiple gps for training.
  5. I have a garmin 196 gps, and a pocket pc gps program, both of which i have been successful in working with fsx using fsuipc. Just wondering if there is a way we can send data to both of them at the same time using fsuipc. Would like to be able to use multiple gps for training.
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