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Everything posted by derosa

  1. Thanks! I will give it a try. I am unable to enage vertical speed hold (offset 0x07EC) in fsx. I use fsx to engage the autopilot which goes into pitch roll hold. Then I engage heading mode. Then I engage VS Mode. You can't just engage VS mode through fsx. If I try to do this through my program everything works up to engaging VS hold. I see that a 1 gets written to the correct spot but VS mode doesn't get engaged. Have you ever heard of anyone having problems with this behavoir?
  2. My dilema.... I am trying to interface our (L-3 Communications) glass cockpit to fsx to show integrated autopilot functionality for COPA (Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association) which I have to leave for in two days. Is there any way I could get a fix before the next update? Any help would be much appreicated. Thanks.
  3. I am using FSX with SP 1. I have updated to FSUIPC 4.297. I take off and get to a desired alt and level off. I then set 0x0718 (Target Bank) to 15.0 deg. I then set 0x0720 (Enable/Disable) to 0xFF. Nothing happens. I can do this with fs9 and FSUIPC 3.81. One difference that I see is that offset 0x0720 decrements by one automatically in fs9 so I keep writing 0xFF to it every so often. In fsx I write 1 to it and it stays at 1. I have verified that offset 0x0726 (Bank Rate) is set to 1280. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong???
  4. Is it better to call a read and then process or to call several reads and then a process?
  5. Where do I find info on the FSUIPC_Read, FSUIPC_Write, and FSUIPC_Process functions and what they should return. Also how to decode dwResult.
  6. I am having problems keeping timing requirements in my software. Currently I am reading about 50 offsets and then calling process. The amount of time to do these steps seems to be all over the map. Sometimes it's around 8 mSec and sometimes 1/4 sec. Is there something I am doing wrong or is this just the normal behavior when talking to FS2004. Also using the latest FSUIPC Module.
  7. It is an Eaglesoft Cirrus SR22 G2 model and I am refering to the 55X STEC autopilot.... If that helps.
  8. I am able to engage the autopilot but am unable to engage vertical speed. I am using offset 0x7F2 to set the Auto pilot vs but the bug doesn't get updated and I don't know how to engage vs? Any Ideas???
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