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Posts posted by Watcher

  1. I am not sure whether this is a problem or normal behaviour. I find that the WideFs Server at some random point in a flight changes from "1 Connected" to "Waiting fror Clients" while the Client still shows and is in fact connected and remains so for the rest of the flight. I am running Radar Contact and IYP on the client and they continue to work with FSX normally. As I am new to WideFs I am not sure whether this is what I am supposed to see other whether the Server should alwsys show the number of clients that are connected. My two systems are connected through an Ethernet Crossover cable so the connection should be stable.

  2. I hace managed to get the crossover cable set up and providing a local connection. However, I am still having the client go away after various times. When I look at the client log it appears to be connecting to the local network based on the IP address. I have the WideServer and corresponding WideClient logs saved from my last terminated flight but have not been able to attach them. From the WideServer log it appears that the Client socket was unused for too long.

  3. I recently added WIdeFS and moved Radar Contact and IYP to the client system. For the most part it works great but ocasionally my connection seems to drop. Once that happens I cannot restore the connection without ending my flight and sometimes I even have to close and restart the simulator. Is there any to restart the connection without haveing to do this? Also, the server sometimes continues to show waiting for clients when it is actually comunicating with a client. Other than this the problem it is working great.

  4. As I pointed out earlier making the command line editable or providing a box to capture the startup directory would likely solve this problem. If I have to start SerialFP2 outside of your product there is no point to using it since I can do everything that it does (except for boost which seems to do more harm than good) by looking at the processes and making the core and affinity assignments there. The only advantage that Multicore Environment might provide for me is the ability to start a group and walk away until the last executable is running. Obviously I cannot do that in Multicore's current state.

  5. I have just purchased and installed Multicore Environment Advanced and have encountered some problems. I tried your email support address but that fails so thought that I'd post here. I set up three programs: FSX, SerialFP2, and Radar Contact. Right now I am starting them each in turn rather than using groups. FSX is set for both of the two cores with boost on and high priority. FSX comes up ok. I then start SerialFP2, which is the software that drives a VRInsight M-Panel. I can see that SerialFP2 has started in Core 1 but it does not initialize the M-Panel. I then started Radar Contact in core 1. It seems to come up ok but when I press its start button the Menu shows at the top of the screen and is squeezed and it cannot be moved or resized because its top is overlaying the FSX menus. If I run these programs outside of Multicore Environment everything runs ok.

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