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Posts posted by Turbine777

  1. Question that seems to suit this thread.

    I ran makerwys.exe and its not creating an xml file. It does create the following files:

    • g5.csv
    • r4.csv
    • r5.csv
    • runways.csv
    • Runways.txt
    • t5.csv
    • airports.fsm
    • FstarRC.rws

    My FSX installation is not in the default and is on my D:\ but for what its worth I don't have UAC enabled anyway.

    Is there a setting somewhere that is keeping an xml from being created?

    I just saw this problem for the first time after installing Super Traffic Board V.3 and it's compile of course isn't working due to no .xml being created.

  2. Well first of all, thanks again for your time.

    But once again, I really don't know why someone takes the time to answer a question but then goes out of their way to be rude in the way they do it.

    I've never seen it asked, and I cannot imagine why it would be. It's a bit like the question "can I have FS9 and FSX or do I have to uninstall one first" -- it isn't asked presumably because the answer is pretty obvious.

    Obviosly not there Pete, or I wouldn't have asked the question now would I?

    As I stated I was about to buy it but thought otherwise because someone who's opinion I normally value quite highly in the PMDG forums said you can't.

    as for the part of that quote that mentions FS9 & FSX on the same rig, I have seen that asked COUNTLESS times, so once again, obviously not obvious to some!

    Why people take time to help to then just be insulting goes beyond my understanding. There are two forum moderators that over use the word "Obvious", and from an old time support tech, is a very insulting word.

    As for buying it, I think I just changed my mind.

    Good day,


  3. Hello all,

    I was just wondering if it were possible to run both registered versions of the FSUIPC.dll? I normally only use FSX and have a registered version of it as well as widefs, but recently also installed FS9 and was going to register it as well, but from another forum was told that you can only have one or the other FSUIPC.dll's on one machine?

    I'm sure this has had to have been asked but if it has the advanced search isn't giving me any results from my various inquiries.



  4. Hello again Pete,

    Very sorry for the late reply, I haven't had much of a chance to fly, let alone play around with my levers. I got side tracked writing requested tutorials and paints... By the way, do you drink "Guinness"? Haha, I need to get my FSX rig to my workplace :D

    I tried a few more times with getting the detents to work and could not. I still couldn't get it from jumping from Flaps 20 to 30. I started from scratch and skipped the detent options and I now have full range of motion for my flap lever. I'm not sure why I couldn't before. I will return to troubleshoot this when time permits, but right now just like the fact that it's working :)

    Have a very merry christmas and happy new year!


  5. Hey Pete,

    Thanks for the reply and the time that it took for you to do so.

    I will get back to you after I make time for to try this all again but wanted to say a couple things. I am very sorry that it appears to you that I did not read your manual and that I may not have understood things the way I suppose they were meant to be understood. I can say that I spent 4 years as a technical writer (of course not my main job, but an added responcibility to my daily regime). The manuals that I wrote were as dumbed down as I could possibly write them, yet I still would get calls for things covered on page 1 of a 3 page spread. There were times it was annoying and there were times I told my bosses that they were wasting their money and my time doing these documents because it only seemed to make things worse. However, as I said above, I just needed a break most likely and things were starting to read into the other. I am more computer literate than the average joe with several certifications under my belt but unfortunately, have never used FSUIPC until the last couple days and have honestly gotten lost fairly often when trying to understand some things. I got questions that were as common sense to me as breathing air, but I never insulted the client I was dealing with, nor took it as personal as you seem to be. I am also a scuba diving instructor(summer/fall), a pilot and a highly decorated Veteran. Oh yes, my main job is as a Plumber. I'd like to think I am not an idiot, although you may disagree. I am not trying to be disrespectful when I say I could write a manual about the setting up of a high pressure steam system, or as basic as changing a thermo coupling but I am pretty certain what you read and how you read it could easily be an eye rolling, sighing moment for me, since in my mind it is right there in black and white. After all, it's what I know.

    So sorry again for "APPEARING" to not have read your manual,,, the one I read multiple times and looks like I will several more. And for the record, I lived on this page for 2 hours last night before submitting my comment. It is sad others don't return to post their thanks for help and which part ended up being a fix for their situation. After all, it is (in my opinion) suppose to be a knowledge base, is it not? Everyone has their own reasons for not understanding something, and people don't like to feel dumb as it is for having to ask for assistance, especially when they are insulted for doing so after they finally decide to. I think I'll put it on the shelf for now and get to it when I have more uniteruptable time. I have 2 kids and my house is pretty busy until my bed time. My time for me is a rare comodity, and I need to make it where ever I can. Matter of fact last night I posted my comment 4 hrs before having to get up for work this morning, so as you can see, I just need to reread it a few more times and am possibly making it harder than it is (I have been known to do so). I bought FSUIPC & Widefs the other day and think I picked the wrong time to learn them. I don't have the time to qoute everything you said the way I'd like to for easier reading, but think you'l know what answer goes to what here.

    "Ouch, why" - As I stated, I could not get it to work the other way. I see that it is a different way, and not intended for the way I used it (I understand now), but as far as complex? Haha, I see 0 difference in the detent method (as far as complexity) and the best part, I now have flaps 25 working. The reason I set 7/10, was because I at least figured by doing it this way and not using the detent method I would have to make my own 0 and 6 setting.

    Of course it was a last resort as nothing else was working for me, I did exactly as you described in the manual and have 0 issues as the other poster in my ini and still will not get flaps 25, again, I will give it a few more valiant efforts when more time permits.

    No need to explain windows calibration :) I do know what that is, thanks haha. I think the problem here was thinking (or read it as) something I should have done right there and then before proceeding. I did do that step probably two hours before getting to my flaps however (Followed the manual).

    I'll be back and let you know how things go and what I find I missed or what I don't understand next. Please understand once again, I do not mean any disrespect, merely understand the frustration of questions after you've taken the time and needed steps to detail things. Just don't take it as people ignoring what you write, some of us may simpy read things differently is all. In my case, I often make things harder than they are and but don't think so in this case. Of course since I said that I am sure I will mutter the word "Doh" soon enough.



  6. Hello all,

    I just wanted to add my experience here. I also have been trying all night to get my Flaps set on my PMDG 747(FSX). I have done everything correctly I believe yet for the life of me could not get my Saitek Throttle Quardrant to work correctly using the Detent option. I did however get it working but I did so via the Axis Assignment page, setting up each "From & To" under the "Set up to 10 Ranges for action" section. Only issue there was I then had my flaps working in reverse so only entered the Joystick Calibration tab to check the "Reverse" box and correct it. This was my first work with the FSUIPC and I think I should have picked an easier project other than Flaps to play with as I think I may have blown a gasket haha. I am an old timer FS guy who hasn't been around this scene since Epic cards were the cats meow and really have dove into relearning all these addons and of course what makes it all so great "The FSUIPC.dll". I have covered the manual and Tutorial tonight by John Cook, and think I need to just walk away for a few and clear my head. But if I may, I would like to ask a couple of questions.

    1.) Pete, you stated above for Step #2 to "ensure that the first and last values are showing correctly, the minimum and maximum values as in the calibration."

    Each time went into the Joystick Calibration page my numbers were always different from what I had in the Axis Assignments page. The numbers kept going back to 0 & 16384. Are they suppose to stay the same?

    2.) Ok this one is dumb but, when you say, "Calibrate the flaps axis as a normal axis, first." You are refering to the Axis Assignment page aren't you? Or FSX/Windows calibration?

    3.) Why use the detent option if the same flexibility is on the Axis Assignment page?

    Once again, I did get mine working as I said above but can't help but feel I didn't do something correctly, and more confused at why using the detent option I could never get Flaps 25 to work as the above posters. Here is what I was doing, perhaps I misread the manual and advice on this page.

    Axis Assignment = After rescanning my flap lever to identify it, I chose "Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration"

    I checked a blank box and chose Flaps from the drop down.

    I set up 7/10 "From and to" ranges for action also on the Axis page.

    Upon going to the Joystick Calibration page I would check the boxed under left and right set and they would appear as "0 & 16384" I reset them of course.

    Clicked DT and as I did on the Axis page went through the 5 detents and set them accordingly.


    Final result was jumping from Flaps 20 to 30 and missing 25 completely. I don't see replies from all those that had the issue and not sure if they cleared it up or what the solution was (if different than the instructions posted here).

    Once again, I may just need a break for the night. I just got PFE which in itself is a little bizzar and complicated jumping right into, and then deciding to take on this project may have been more than I could bare for the evening :lol:

    Nice to see your still at it Pete, I've been a fan for may years. Keep up the great work!

    Dan Prunier

  7. Hi Steven,

    How long have you been using Follow me? I mean before Rex 2. Because With or Without Rex min Follow me works when it wants, Sadly to say. I currently am not running Rex at all. I got follow me because about 50% or more the arrows for progressive taxi weren't showing (no I do not have DX 10 Preview on). But even though I call the car he also shows up about 50% of the time. I am currently reinstalling everything from scratch, FSX and alllll my addons, but this time I am doing Follow Me first, but I don't expect much change. Hopefully I'll be wrong but I've tried everything including two fresh installs. Rex's runway textures shouldn't prevent it from working though.

    Good luck, hopefully you'l get it working :)


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