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  1. Hello Pete, thanks for your response. I decided programming in C to start learn my own connection with sim. But i have the first problem: I can't compile the UIPCHello example. In 'UIPC_SDK_C' folder i have intructions to put the header file and the LIB in my source folder. So, i have IPCuser.c and IPCuser.h in folder of complier includes. But when i compile, it gives me a several 'Linker Error': Anothers questions: In your example of connection (UIPCHello), in function FSUIPC_open i dont have any reference to FSX, only until FS2004. I have to create a connection for FSX? I have an unregistered version of FSUIPC, is this a problem? Cheers. druyda
  2. I'm building an auto-pilot module for FSX (flight simulator) with push buttons and rotary encoders. My micro is one ATmega88. My question is how I do the communication with FSUIPC (software to read and write assignments to simulator) and my hardware? I'm going to use a serial communication to PC and I have also make a program to read and write values... but how do I get these values for FSUIPC? Many thanks.
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