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Posts posted by l0calhost

  1. Hello Paul thank you for your reply.

    I change this to get it working

    Dim lat As Double = Double.Parse(currentRow(2))
    Dim lon As Double = Double.Parse(currentRow(3))

    to this

    Dim lat As Double = Double.Parse(currentRow(2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
    Dim lon As Double = Double.Parse(currentRow(3), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

    and now its working perfect, just what i need.

    Thank you for your time and help i appreciate.


  2. On 13/12/2014 at 2:52 PM, Paul Henty said:

    Hi Ido,


    Declare the offset like this:

    private Offset<string> nearestICAO = new Offset<string>(0x0658, 4);

    Then in your code, after the process(), read the value like this:

    MessageBox.Show("Nearest airport is " + this.nearestICAO.Value);


    Hello Paul,

    i'm trying this code but in vb.net and only show icao from p3d v4. From fs9/fsx sp2/p3d v3.4 is not showing.

    Is there another workaround to show on all simulators? Didnt find anything.

    Can you help me with a function to get nearest airport(s) in X miles range with makerunways files like airports.fsm?

    Thank you

  3. 1 minute ago, Paul Henty said:

    Thanks. I can fix this up to work properly. Just one thing I need to know:

    Do you want to always get back the closest gate even if you're a long way from it (e.g. at the end of the runway). Or do you only want to report being at a gate when you're parked at it (e.g. within 20 metres or so?).


    I think is better to report always in the correct gate when i park instead the closest one.

    The g5.csv have the gate radius in meters. Something like, if airplane is inside gate "radius" show gate.

    Thank you Paul

  4. 14 minutes ago, Paul Henty said:

    Assuming that your distance function is correct, you need something like this:

    I don't know how you are loop though each gate so I've just put a placeholder for that.

    Also I don't know what units your distance function returns so I've assumed Metres. If it's different just adjust the values.

    Dim currentGate as String = ""
    Dim minDistanceToGate as Double = 20 'Need to be within 20 metres of the gate. (Adjust to your preference).
    [Loop for each gate]
        Dim distance As Double = distance(acLat, acLon, gateLat, gateLon, "M")
        If distance <= minDistanceToGate Then
           currentGate = strGateNumber
        End If 
    [End loop for each gate]
    ' currentGate now contains the gate you are at. Or "" if you're not near any gate.

    That's the sort of loop and logic you'll need.

    If you need more help please post the exact code you are trying and I'll be able to see where it's going wrong.


    Hello Paul,

    this is my current code

        Public Function getgate(ByVal icaocode As String) As String
            Using MyReader As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(Form1.fullFSpath.Value & "g5.csv")
                MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
                Dim gatename As String
                Dim gatenumber As String
                Dim gatereturn As String
                Dim currentRow As String()
                Dim smallestDifference As Double = 0
                While Not MyReader.EndOfData
                        currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
                        If currentRow(0) = icaocode Then
                            gatename = currentRow(1)
                            gatenumber = currentRow(2)
                            Dim aaa As String = currentRow(3)
                            Dim bbb As String = currentRow(4)
                            Dim aaaa As Double = Double.Parse(aaa, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                            Dim bbbb As Double = Double.Parse(bbb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                            Dim distance As Double = Form1.distance(Functions.getAircraftLatFS(), Functions.getAircraftLonFS(), aaaa, bbbb, "M")
                            If distance = smallestDifference Then
                                smallestDifference = distance
                                gatereturn = "" + gatename + " " + gatenumber + ""
                                Return gatereturn
                                Exit Function
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As FileIO.MalformedLineException
                        'MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & "is not valid and will be skipped.")
                    End Try
                End While
            End Using
            Return ""
        End Function

    I am in LPPT on gate 104, if the distance result is 0 it show gate 104.

    if i change distance = to distance <= no result show

    if i change smallDiference to 20 and keep <= it will show gate 105 but i'm on 104. (105 is near but is on my left side)

    the distance function i have is

    'M' is statute miles (default)
    'K' is kilometers
    'N' is nautical miles
        Public Function distance(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double,
               ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double,
               Optional ByVal unit As Char = "M"c) As Double
            Dim theta As Double = lon1 - lon2
            Dim dist As Double = Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat2)) +
                  Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat2)) *
            dist = Math.Acos(dist)
            dist = rad2deg(dist)
            dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515
            If unit = "K" Then
                dist = dist * 1.609344
            ElseIf unit = "N" Then
                dist = dist * 0.8684
            End If
            Return dist
        End Function

    Thank you for your help

  5. 13 minutes ago, Paul Henty said:

    Do you have the lon/lat of each gate? or is that what you're stuck on?


    Hello thank you for your reply.

    Yes i have the plane lat/lon and all gates lat/lon from g5.csv where gate = icao. I'm stuck from here.

    I try using the distance function and sometimes don't show the result, or the correct result and sometimes show the correct result.

    Dim distance As Double = distance(acLat, acLon, gateLat, gateLon, "M")

    If distance = smallestDifference Then
    smallestDifference = distance


    I'm not a pro coder, i think is not the correct code to calculate the current gate!

    Thank you

  6. Hello Paul Henty,

    i'm using your FSUIPCClient DLL V3 and is working good.

    I have added the Makerwys with a function getrunway copied from here and is working too.

    Now i need to find how to detect the gate where the plane is, tried like function getrunway but no success.

    Can you help me and post a function or some code to detect gate? I apreciate.


    Sorry my english

    Thank you

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