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Jim Melton

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Posts posted by Jim Melton

  1. Still no luck. An oddity when sending the pedals to FSUIPC for calibration is that the positive X axis on the the flight stick doesn't register the full range. It actually stops at 10,000. As soon as I remove the pedals from Rudder assignment, the positive X axis registers the full 16,380. I'm not sure if the two are related or not, but everything looks normal in the .ini file.

  2. I've extracted the DLL in the FSX Mods folder and made the changes necessary to begin testing. I have been unsuccessful at making this work the way I would expect. It doesn't consistently work the same way either, so I'm not sure if that's a byproduct of what you mentioned before or if I'm not holding my tongue right.

    In any case, I assign both axes to the Rudder on that tab and then modify the [Axes} section of the ini. If I go to the Joystick Calibration tab, I can see that both register the way I would expect...I push one pedal it registers +16383 and when I push the other it registers -16384. But in sim, the behavior is erratic. This behavior is the case whether I pass it to the FSUIPC Calibration section or send it to FS.

    I'm going to try again to day with a clear head to see if I missed something.

  3. I believe I understand. I've just started looking over FSUIPC and it's pretty complex, but I think I understand what's happening. I looked at the .ini file and didn't se an [Axes} section, so I assume that may be because I haven't assigned any axes from FSUIPC. After that, I would just add the info you provided below to the two axes I assign to the rudder.

    While I don't completely understand why, I assume the numerical info you provide is taking half the resolution for each axis and telling FSUIPC the zero point for each.

    I would say go ahead and run with it. I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. If not, I can generally ask a lot of questions. :wink:

  4. Okay, I think I have what you want. I may be giving you additional info that you don't need, but I thought it would be better to be thorough than not. :)


    Listed as: Joystick 3 Axis U

    Pressed In: 16383

    Let out: -16384


    Pressed In: 88

    Let Out: 990


    Listed as: Joystick 3 Axis V

    Pressed In: -16384

    Let out: 16383


    Pressed In: 911

    Let Out: 48


    Listed as: Joystick 3 Axis R

    Pressed In: -16384

    Let out: 16347


    Pressed In: 944

    Let Out: 44

    Let me know if you need more info.



  5. The idea of having the pedals as a separate controller is a byproduct of a different sim. I also am heavily into online racing and the Bodnar Box increases the resolution for the pedals quite a bit, which gives finer control for the accelerator and brake. I don't use the profiler because there have been issues in the racing sim I'm currently absorbed in. It's a known issue, but Logitech hasn't fixed it yet.

    I appreciate you looking into this. I'll get you the RAW values so you can get an idea of what we're looking at here. Where would you like the values to come from? I assume FSUIPC, but I want to make sure. This would be for FSUIPC4 and I need to go ahead and register first. I was waiting to see if I would be able to do something with the pedals, but I think I see the value in registering software with our without.

    Thanks again, I'll let you know.


  6. I guess I can understand your confusion here. I have a separate joystick for elevator and aileron control. I want to use the pedals for rudder control only.

    The crux of the problem that the pedals are three axes and you can only assign one to rudder control. I don't use the Logitech Wingman profiler, so I can't put the accelerator and the brake on the same axis. That means that the accelerator alone controls the rudder. And, like you said, it isn't usable.

    What PPjoy and GlovePIE does is attempt to create a virtual joystick so you can assign 50% of the rudder axis to the accelerator and 50% to either the brake or the clutch. For some reason, at least in Windows 7, I can't get GlovePIE to find any joystick. My hope was that I'd be able to do that with FSUIPC for that, but I think you mentioned above that it isn't possible.

    So, I'm hoping that somebody might now a way around this.

    Thanks for the quick response.

  7. This has been driving me crazy. I have the G25 wheel/pedal setup and I'm using the controller from Leo Bodnar to put make the pedals independent from the wheel.

    The problem with using the G25 pedals is that the rudder axis is on one pedal. That means you have to constantly hold the pedal centered to keep center rudder, lift up to apply left rudder, and push down to apply right rudder. That make it pretty difficult to control.

    I tried the PPJoy and GlovePIE idea, but it doesn't work. I'm not sure why, but using "joystickX" doesn't apply settings to any joystick. I'm running Windows 7 so it must have something to do with the way that joysticks are read. If you use the GlovePIE tutorial, I can make the Virtual Joystick work with a mouse, but not a joystick. I REALLY don't want to buy rudder pedals, so if anybody has an idea, I'd appreciate it.



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