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Posts posted by GQLF

  1. Hello again,

    Could not program L-ALT + TAB on FSUIPC must be code that Microsoft uses in FSX? I will try GoFlight button but I'll bet same thing! I think only a "Hot Spot" or Key2mouse will solve my problem? Or maybe go back to paper airplanes they were much simpler!


  2. Hello and

    Thanks Jean-Jacques, I've tried it and it works only to return FSC to my monitor. I must minimize using the dash first and it works fine. I have FSM running also with FSC! I have 3 monitors on a Matrox 3togo analog and a 22inch monitor on panel in 2D so there lies my problem having to slide the cursor across 3 monitors . But your advice really helped! I will try and assign the L-ALT and Tab to a button on my CH yoke by using FSCIUP and see if it will work? Thanks again.


  3. Hi and I'm sorry about salutations and signature,just didn't think it really mattered all that much but now I see that it does! Anyway all I wanted to know was in FSN they used the F9 button to call-up and minimize window and wondered if FSC had such a key? Or if it was a key string( shift+Tab+F1,etc) that I could assign to yoke via FSUIPC? I am not a computer expert just a good faith purchaser of your product moving to FSX. I went to utube for demo but found that to be very confusing. The manual is very helpful with regard to networking etc. but I wanted to avoid that. I know another product uses a "Hot Spot" to do the window thing that helps keep cursor on instrument panel and was hoping you had something similar? I like your product and respect your work its just that there are a few computer dummy's like myself still around and need some personal assistance, again sorry! :oops:


  4. OK, I read manual twice and I can't find anything on how to assign or use a key stroke combo to minimize the map? I like and purchased the product all I want is to remove map with the CH throttle key when I want to? And bring it back too by same switch? I see hot keys for small gauge but nothing for map itself. HELP!

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