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Posts posted by HighGround

  1. I noticed that others have posted about the hyphen and that you are likely planning on a future fix.

    I also noticed that others have commented on not being able to select already saved plans when Save-As.

    Looks like a fix might be coming.

    I do wish to emphasize the importance of the 500 foot rule. Your response was noted but it does seem to me that the altitude

    set in FSC does save on the FSX flight plan does it not? . . . .

    I'm firmly in Darryl's corner on these points, with the addition of lower-case annotation. In order to define clear and cogent filenames, lower case is a simple, but much-needed feature.

  2. .

    As with others, above, I can't select a previous filename and modify it in the manner I'm accustomed to in earlier versions of FSC. But equally troublesome, I can't use lower case, and I cannot use a dash. This severely limits my ability to enter meaningful names for my saved flights.

    For me, a single flight plan is almost inevitably just one part of a series of flight plans as I work my way through a "Charter", possibly consisting of a hundred or more flight plans (to be archived, later). Hence, it's essential for me to edit the plan when saving, so that it's broken into it's meaningful components. So "EGLLLLFP" becomes "MacRobertson-02-EGLL-LLFP", or something equally elaborate. And selecting such a filename in earlier versions made this very easy, of course.

    So may I respectfully request that while we're about re-making filename selection a possibility, can we please also revert to allowing lower-case letters and dashes?!?


  3. Well, it's fixed now, thank the gods!

    After futzing and fiddling for a number of hours today, I finally phoned a brainy fellow who's versed in the Black Arts of computerdom. "Aha! I know exactly what the problem is!", came the reply.

    I thought that response was odd, since I had only briefly described my one computer not communicating with the other, but it turned-out there was a larger, background situation I knew nothing about. He swiftly told me the gory details as he fixed it (remotely, via CrossLoop), but most of it went straight over my head at angels ten decimal five.

    Essentially, our ISP here (Eastlink, one of several locals) made some changes to the way their routers work. What *was* a simple working situation has been complicated -- and apparently in a ham-fisted manner. Wherein the upshot of the thing is that when my main computer went looking for the secondary one, it found Eastlink's router first (the rogue IP addy) and gave up the ghost after unsuccessfully connecting. I wish I could be more specific, Pete, but alas my limited synapses didn't permit me to get the full story. So . . .

    I'm all fixed now. But if you should hear from anyone else around here (Halifax/Darmouth area of Nova Scotia, Canada) who's suddenly experiencing big trouble of this nature, they could email me ( highground [at] eastlink [dot] ca ) and I can point them to yon guru.

    Meanwhile, I thank you very, very sincerely for your time and trouble, Pete. It's nice to know that you're there, so readily available when things go south.

    All the very best, Sir.



  4. [ Sorry; "external pressures" (SWMBO) required my attention elsewhere, yesterday]

    Thank you, Pete.

    Heeding your admonition, I looked further for the other side of the puzzle. Silly duffer that I am, I shoulda aughta figured that out myself and sent it the first time. So, I've cobbled-together what I think is the appropriate elements. I can see some trouble in the WideServer.log, but I'll be jiggered if I can determine the proper course of action -- or what cause the thing to go off the rails as it did.


    FSUIPC V4.53 ; WideFS V678

    Primary (Server) computer: jon

    Secondary (Client) computer: NAVIGATOR

    Segment of FSUIPC4.ini file:








    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.53] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 16/10/09, Time 21:06:13.921: Server name is JON

    15688 Initialising TCP/IP server

    15703 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    15703 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

    15703 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    15703 Initialising UDP/IP server

    16125 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    4480688 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 1309 alloc, 1308 free

    Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 16/10/09, Time 21:06:33.203: Client name is NAVIGATOR

    1125 Attempting to connect now

    2125 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    2125 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    4141 Attempting to connect now

    17125 Server = JON

    17156 Trying TCP/IP host "JON" port 8002 ...

    17156Okay, IP Address =

    38203 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    38203 Ready to try connection again

    40203 Attempting to connect now

    40203 Giving up server, looking for another!

    41125 Server = JON

    41141 Trying TCP/IP host "JON" port 8002 ...

    41141Okay, IP Address =

    49281 ****** End of session performance summary ******

    49281 Total time connected = 0 seconds

    49281 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    49281 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    49281 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    49281 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********


    I haven't implemented the change to the client ini file yet (IP address) since I don't want to muddy the waters too much (thinking the problem may be on the server end). So these two log files, above, concurrently reflect the problem as it exists.

    I *do* hope this helps, Pete! Many thanks for your kind donation of time and effort!



  5. Peter:

    On this same subject, I have a similar tale of woe. My installation of FSUIPC and WideFS has been working like the proverbial top for many moons. But after a few weeks hiatus, I came back to find that my WideClient now gives me the dreaded "Waiting for a connection" message only.

    Obviously something's amiss, and I've spent an entire day attempting to fix the problem via related suggestions here on your Fora.

    FSUIPC V4.53 ; WideFS V678

    Log contents:

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 16/10/09, Time 21:06:33.203: Client name is NAVIGATOR

    1125 Attempting to connect now

    2125 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    2125 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    4141 Attempting to connect now

    17125 Server = JON

    17156 Trying TCP/IP host "JON" port 8002 ...

    17156Okay, IP Address =

    38203 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    38203 Ready to try connection again

    40203 Attempting to connect now

    40203 Giving up server, looking for another!

    41125 Server = JON

    41141 Trying TCP/IP host "JON" port 8002 ...

    41141Okay, IP Address =

    49281 ****** End of session performance summary ******

    49281 Total time connected = 0 seconds

    49281 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    49281 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    49281 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    49281 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

    More to follow upon request.

    Can you help, Sir? I'd be enormously grateful if you could give me a steer in the right direction!

    Cheers, Peter.



  6. Hullo once again, Peter:

    Well, much has happened, and to my infinite relief and pleasure, it's all for the good.

    Something or things that you wrote (above) must've planted the seed, because I awoke in the wee hours, this morning, having one of those early-morning satoris, if you're into Zen, but otherwise known as a rush of crap to the brain. I remembered that when I had done the reinstall to the new drive, I'd been distracted at the beginning, and accidentally installed to the default C: drive, versus my Flight-Sim F: drive.

    Not to worry, said I to myself, brimming with ill-conceived confidence, I'll just *move* it over, and change the paths in the Registry. So rather than abort the install, yank it out, and start over, I took the "easy" way out. And then I forgot all about my unorthodox installation.

    My current suspicions are that there is perhaps an install.log or something of that sort which gets referred-to by any subsequent fiddling. So that would account for my SP1 installation apparently going just fine, but not registering in FSX, which was "over there" on another drive. Probably pooched the SimConnect hook-up, too. All of which caused FUIPC to come a cropper when it tried to do what it was designed to do in "Normal People's" machines.

    After I had installed Acceleration, last evening, I quickly re-discovered why I'd dumped it previously: aircraft graphics were helter-skelter, with some missing and others warped. Once removed, thingss reverted to the "Bad State" I was originally in, so I did what I shoulda aughta done in the first place -- I yanked everything and started over, taking care to do it right, this time.

    Probably needless to say, everything's perfect, and as it should be. Sigh! :( Silly duffer!

    So again, my thanks, Peter. Sorry to have involved you in a mess of my own making. Next time, I promise I'll be more circumspect about it all.




  7. Hullo again, Pete:

    Well, it's working now. But what a boondoggle.

    First: Yes, my sequencing seems to have been correct -- for whatever that's worth. The referenced drive is my fourth of four drives, so Windows wasn't really a factor, being way back there on the C: drive. F: is reserved for things FS.

    But here's the rub: I definitely *had* installed SP1 and it was deemed successful. So after posting the original post, above, I thought for the heck of it I'd install SP2. It wouldn't install, saying I needed SP1 first.

    So I went to Add/Remove Programs and UN-installed SP1. Then I re-installed it. Said it was fine. Tried SP2, but same deal: "Can't do it -- need SP1 first". What a cyber-catch-22!!

    So, acting on a hunch, I went for the Full Monty: I installed Acceleration. [ I'd installed it long ago on the original FSX installation, but ran into problems with my beloved FS9 aircraft, so I reverted to SP1 and all was well ]

    After starting FSX, there it was, in all its glory -- "Add-ons" in the Menu bar. And, of course, under Add-ons was FSUIPC with my WideFS enabled, ready to go (hooking-up to a second computer with FS Commander).

    So. Installing Acceleration seemed to "jump the queue", bypassing SP1 and SP2, and getting the pea-pickin' SimConnect to . . . connect.

    So I'll leave it at that, for the nonce. I don't know what removing Acceleration will do, but perhaps I'll look into that one day in future when I feel brave again. Meanwhile, I think I'll leave the sleeping dog lie and enjoy some flying again.

    Many thanks for your time and efforts, Pete! I truly appreciate your fine program, and the sterling backup you provide for us mugglers.

    Cheers, Sir.



  8. Hullo, Pete:

    It's with *great* reluctance that I write this puling little tome in hopes that I can perhaps overcome this persistent "Type-1" problem. I've tried every related method I can find on this Forum, including deletion of the SimConnect folders and running the "Repair" facility on the FSX disks. All to no avail.

    Everything was peachy and hotsy-totsy until the HDD which handles Flight-Sim exclusively became uninterested in further toil. Upon replacing the (miserable) offending HDD, I re-installed FSX, and soon thereafter I attempted installation of my beloved and enormously necessary FSUIPC V4.50 with its attendant WideFS.

    Simply, there seems to be no way in which I can get an "Add-Ons" menu entry! Nothing works, hence this bothersome (to you) Forum entry. :(

    FSX SP1

    FSUIPC V4.50

    I'm hoping that perhaps something will be disclosed to your practiced eye in the following file readouts:


    Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.50

    Looking in registry for FSX install path:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


    Looking in registry for ESP install path:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0


    Not there, so looking in:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0


    ... NOT found! ...



    AppPath="F:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

    Checking version of FSX.EXE:

    ... Version 10.0.60905.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

    Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

    Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original)

    Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:

    F:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL

    ... Version 4.500 found.

    FSX Modules folder already exists.

    Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "F:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"

    Looking for the current user's Application Data path:

    ... found as "C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Houston\Application Data"

    Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data"

    No FSX.CFG there

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data"

    No FSX.CFG there

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data"

    No FSX.CFG there

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Houston\Application Data"

    Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Houston\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"

    Now checking DLL.XML ...

    ... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.

    ... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.

    ... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay

    Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...

    ... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data"

    No FSX.CFG there

    Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data"

    No FSX.CFG there

    Now installing additional files into the Modules folder:

    Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay

    Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay

    Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay

    Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay

    Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay

    Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay

    Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay

    Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay

    Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay

    FSUIPC4.DLL installed and signature checked out okay!

    Deleted GlobalSign Root fix programno longer relevant


    All installer tasks completed okay!

    Registration for FSUIPC4 and WideFS was successful! (result code 00)

    *************** End of Install Log ***************


    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.50 by Pete Dowson *********

    NOTE: SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 is supported, but it isn't installed.

    User Name="Jon Houston"

    User Addr="highground@eastlink.ca"

    FSUIPC4 Key is provided

    WideFS7 Key is provided

    Running inside FSX (using SimConnect SP1 May07)

    Module base=61000000

    Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


    171 System time = 19:33:48

    171 FLT UNC path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Houston\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

    171 FS UNC path = "F:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

    906 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

    906 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    28578 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 448, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

    28578 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

    28687 Now running with SimConnect Original

    28687 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    28687 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 448, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

    28687 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

    28812 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

    28812 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xFF100020

    43843 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    43843 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    58906 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    58906 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    74000 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    74000 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    89031 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    89031 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    104062 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    104062 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    116359 System time = 19:35:44

    116359 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

    I do hope I've included everything you need, Pete!

    Cheers, Sir.



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