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Jan D nicolai

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Everything posted by Jan D nicolai

  1. Now I have installed the version 4.507. The computer is no more hanging with FSUIPC but I can not make macro's. I push the knob"Create Mouse Macro", enter the name, then "OK", then back to FSX and there is no green box with messages to make a macro's Back to FSUIPC and give "End Macro Making" there is verry short a message. The previous version (4.38??) was OK Were can I douwnload that version? Please can you help me?? CPU Q6600 @ 2.40Ghz, 4 GB Vista Ultimate 32bits FSX sp1, sp2. Triplehead2Go
  2. Hi, I have a several years an registered version of UIPC4 and have made some macro's for my cockpit. But after installing version 4.50, I want to create a macro and after enter the macroname and give OK there is the message "Saving and/or reloading FSUIPC settings. Please wait.." And I am still waiting. Please can you help me to solve this problem. Best regards. Jan D Nicolai CPU Q6600 @ 2.40Ghz, 4 GB Vista Ultimate 32bits FSX sp1, sp2
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