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Posts posted by lamebget

  1. Hello Pete and Soldano,

    I have the same problem

    Like a lot of others users of FSUIPC 4 (registred) you have noticed that autopilot does not work for B 757 from Captain sim.

    I wrote a ticket to them, but they did not respond very kindly :

    "Your Ticket has been reviewed but cancelled. "

    "Click Product Name > Customer Support > Search KB > C > Search for KB# 1063"

    I went there and read :

    ": Unfortunately most of the tickets get rejected and removed due to the following common reasons:

    1. The same (or very similar) question has been previously answered in the Knowledge Base, Manuals, at our web site or Forum.

    Please be sure to RTFM, search the Knowledge Base, web site, Forum prior to submitting a support request. With all due respect we cannot afford to answer same question twice. "

    And further :

    "we would recommend to visit our Forum "

    So I went to their forum, and found no solutions (may be with FSUIPC V3, that I dont have)

    So what can we do ?

    One thing is to write in FS forums DO NOT BUY Captain SIM B757, if you expect to work with FSUIPC !


    Best regards


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