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Posts posted by kleinjakob

  1. Volker,

    thank you very much. Please don't understand me wrong, FSC is a very handy tool, I really love to use it, just wanted to ask because I was unsure if I did something wrong... because it doesn't accept my airways anymore :)

    So I think I'll get along with the route string very well, I'll just have to adapt my technique. I have some ideas now: Maybe I'll enter first just my termination points while planning, noting the airways I wish to use on a piece of paper, and when I'm finished with planning, add the routes in between each termination point and then update and cleanup as necessary only once!

    Thanks, Jakob

  2. Volker,

    thank you very much for your clarification. Is there another way of adding airways beside via the route string? I just don't really feel very comfortable with it because it screws alot up, as explained in my post before (not to mention the alternates always get lost when updating via the routestring)

    Thanks again, Jakob

    (Schöne Grüße aus Wien!)

  3. Hello,

    first I want to say I've searched your forum with the keyword "airway" before posting this, but found nothing relevant only some question how to display names thereof and AIRAC concerning things.

    Second, here are my 5 points, you requested:

    1. FS2004(FS9)

    2. FSUIPC 3.814 payed version

    3. FS Commander 8.5 and Database Manager 8.5 both build 230309

    4. download version

    5. Operating System XP

    And here is my question: Up to the last version before 8.5 (8.4.2) it was possible to enter an airway in the waypoints box while planning. I found this was a very nice feature, as you didn't had to fiddle with the sometimes unwellbehaved routestrings (another story - when I click "go" it screws my route by adding one point exactly one segment before the terminator I had entered, then I have to clean it up and if I click "go" a second time it works how it should have the first time,...). But this doesn't work anymore in 8.5, I've checked the release notes, but nowhere it is listed as an intentionally dropped feature.

    Maybe someone can help.

    Thanks, Jakob

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