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Posts posted by pivo11

  1. G'day,

    How do FScene4X and the new GEX v1.09 (North America) work together? Does one take precedence or is there no problem? Since it is not an update to GEX, but a complete reinstall, I was wondering if there are any conflicts or if I should reinstall FScene4X as well. Sorry if it's a dumb question. Thanks.



  2. Hello again,

    Since we have discovered this interesting ice texture, we have been talking about the seasons and we find that the colours of spring appear to be too green. (see snap) What we were wondering is if you could point us in the right direction so perhaps we could edit the textures for the seasons. I, for one, do not know even where to look or what to do. To give you an idea of what we mean, I inclose a quote from Larry Smith, a real world pilot whom perhaps you know. Some years ago I understand that you used some photos of his as references for the FScene 2004 textures. This is what he had to say about colours in the Spring. We are talking Canada here, so I don't know if that is a seperate texture set or is part of North America.

    "In the spring, or rather early/late winter (wi), which we are in now there should be snow in the bush, still some browns and greys, but increasing greens as the growing days and melting snow allow more sun to reach the base of trees and ground cover to grow. Call this green dull.

    Spring should take the previous just a step further; less to no snow, more browns, less greys, increasing greens.

    Summer should be almost full greens as the canopy of trees obscures the ground. leaves are full of 'life' renewed by the sun and fresh with chlorophyll from the long days - call it a bright crisp green.

    I'm hoping that it may be an oversight but it is possible (again I'm not sure of FSX) that the area you are in doesn't have the variation. Some locations have all 5 'seasons' but FS may call summer for spring. (see terrain SDK) Conifer/ Boreal Forest/ FaSuSuHwWi . Strange but true but again, can be edited".

    Well, as I say, I don't know if anything is possible, or easy enough for a new guy to do, but if you would share your thoughts on this, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks up front. Please find the screenshot below. It is May 15 with the UTX ice still enabled.


    All the best,


    P.S. No I haven't tried the Beagle missions, I didn't even know about them! Thanks, I'll try some soon.

  3. Oh, no problem living with it, it's quite hip. With a little adjusting as the season progresses we can have real "ice out" conditions. But. What is doing this? Is it the sim itself?

    Anygate, it's cool. Thanks, Ruud.

    May life smile,


  4. It doesn't seem to be as pronounced today, I don't know, maybe I'm seeing things.



    There is another guy who has told me he saw this too, I'll try to get him to send me some shots.

    EDIT: Two shots from another system. We both have UTX, GEX, REX, and FSScene4. FSX/Acceleration/SP2

    The top picture is "good ice" and the bottom, "rotting ice".





  5. G'day,

    I recently bought FSScene4 for FSX and have been flying in Canada this winter. Until recently the ice on the lakes has looked like, well, ice. In the past few days I have seen some discolorations and distinctly blue spots with what seem to be cracks radiating outwards from them. So my question is; is it FSScene4 doing this? If it is, that is fantastic!! That is a level of sophistication that I have never seen before. In any case, the ice is definitly getting slushy and I would like to find out why.



    Proof of Purchase Flight 1: 756052-61ZTU7QL

  6. G'day to all, I was wondering why I don't have a EFC number like everybody else. I thought you got one upon registration. Did I forget to do something? Also, I would like to add some things to my profile, (location, avatar, etc.), but I don't see a way to do it. Help requested. Thanks up front, best to all, Fritz (pivo11)



  7. Right, then, hello to all. I good friend of mine, Jaaky Krant, who was involved in the creation of Emma Field and who gave me FSX for my retirement told me to introduce myself. My name is Fritz Reinhart and I was the "model" for the Emma Field one, what with the cap and the jacket and all, and all. Jaaky sends big hellos to François. I remember Jaaky sending me screenshots of EF as it was being put together and he thought it was a hoot to have this dude who was just sort of there all the time. So when I remembered Emma Field I asked Jaaky what was up and he said to get in touch with you folks. So. Is there going to be a Emma Field for FSX? Does anybody have an idea when? Is there a way that previous versions would work in FSX/Acceleration/SP2? I mostly fly small GA aircraft and really like bush flying and VFR, does anyone know of a Noordyun Norseman that will work in FSX/SP2, or even a Stinson V-22 Gullwing. May I send unsolicited screenshots? Thanks up front. May life smile upon you all, Fritz

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