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activex last won the day on March 11 2024

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  1. Ah, Okay, thanks for the explanation. No worries. I don't have any plans to run it on different platform other than Windows. The important thing is to know the source of the warning (ie. why). I'll leave the warning as is for now.
  2. Hi; I am using the latest nuget 3.3.9 referenced in my .net standard 2.0 library When I build my library in VS I get this warning: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details Warning NU1701 Package 'FSUIPCClientDLL 3.3.9' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project. FlightSimLibrary F:\DEV\Current\Libraries\FlightSimLibrary\FlightSimLibrary.csproj 1 Although when I run any application on .net 8 that uses this library everything works fine this warning pollutes my build and would like it to be gone. What's the reason for this warning?
  3. Using rotor break control it worked perfectly. Thank your for solving this problem for me.
  4. Norm, Please keep us posted on the progress of this issue. I have exactly same problem. lk
  5. Yea, I understand that the issue is with PMDG, ... I thought I post this out here maybe people with work around will see this post and post the solution.
  6. All; Since the latest updates from PMDG 737, the offset (0x0BC8-parking break set/reset) doesn't work properly anymore for controlling/setting parking break sw on the throttle quadrant. Previously, setting this value to 0, park break off, and then back to 32767 park break on while holding the rudder pedals worked fine. Now, when you hold the rudder pedals, you have to write to the offset multiple times (exactly twice) and you write the values in opposite logic: 0-park break on, 32767-park break off. I also noticed that writing this offset now triggers rudder pedals break. I have no idea what's the correct way now to set the throttle park break sw on the throttle. Any help be appreciated.
  7. Ah okay, I thought there was some logic you added to behave this way. Thanks for clarifying.
  8. Hi there, I noticed that the offset (MCP_VertSpeedBlank=0x65D2) is not working exactly as I expected. This offset returns true only if V/S mode is off and therefore V/S display is blanked out. But if you enable V/S mode (via V/S button) and the display is still blank (ie because the value entered is zero) the offset returns zero indicating that the V/S is not blanked out but in reality it is. Why is this implemented like this? lk
  9. Disregard, offset works. I had to map it to a float (instead of int) because it uses ranges of: 0-0.5. Now it works.
  10. Hey, This case is for the PMDG 737. They have an lvar (switch_343_73X-spd brk armed status) which is invisible (ie. at least through the Behavior debug Window/Local Variables in MSFS) until the function is triggered and its value is changed and that's when the offset appears visible in the Behavior debug window. I have mapped this offset in my FSUIPC7.ini file as: 5=L:switch_343_73X=SD0xA010 After the offset became visible, I tried to used "Wasm->reload " and it does reload the lvars because the status message says it loaded 1925 lvars (from the previous number of 1923) and also appears in the FSUIPC window when after I ran Wasm->List lvars and has the correct value. Either way, when I try to read/write my offset, nothing happens (reads return 0. writes do nothing). Offset is writable as I verified through the debug window in MSFS. Question: Since this offset is added later at the stage, is this why it is not working. FYI: I know the purpose of the Wasm->reload option and let me give you feedback on it when working with pmdg 737: It almost never works. I am always forced to reload the sim when I make changes to my ini file. Not sure if that's FSUIPC or PMDG or MSFS.
  11. Paul, Can you please confirm that: If I call the FSUIPCConnection.Process("abc"), the method will only look at the offsets that are within the group "abc" and exchange data for these offsets. Other offsets that are not within that group or are group-less are ignored. Is my understanding correct? lk
  12. Excellent, thank you. "thrustInput1Offset.GetValue<short>();" - This is still using static typing so it is limited in use, ... The static typing is an issue when you are setting the value SetValue<short>(). For GetValue it usually doesn't matter because you have to cast the returned value back to specific data type unless you are displaying it.
  13. The SetValue() and GetValue() methods should not be visible when using the Offset<> class. " - No, the design is fine. I need to use Offsets polymorphically, therefore, just fix the methods, don't change the design.
  14. Hi, Problem: Writing an offset using SetValue() method ignores the value passed in as parameter. Consider this code: var thrustInput1Offset = new Offset<short>(0x089A, true); //write int value3 = 9000; var convertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value3, typeof(short)); thrustInput1Offset.SetValue(convertedValue); // <= The internal value of the offset is not changed after this call FSUIPCConnection.Process();
  15. Disregard. Looks like the "0x089A" offset is write only offset.
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