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Posts posted by hrhett

  1. Hi Howard,

    unfortunately your presumptions are wrong. This behavior is absolutely intentional and will definitely not be changed. Suppose you are landing your aircraft. Your hands need to be on your joystick and/or throttle, maybe you need to push a button or press <g> to extend the gear, and your eyes are fixed on the runway before you. But now the focus stays on FS Commander and doesn't automatically go back to FS, as you request. Horror! Do you see the point!

    Incidentally, the option <stay always on top> has nothing to do with this. It's something completely different (see manual)



    So what's the proper workflow here then Sasha? If I want to do something simple like plan a flight (with FSX running coincidentally) I need to ensure that FSC is disconnected from FSX? What if I'm running a long haul flight and want to reference FSC during my flight? What's the mechanism to do this without the FSC window and/or focus continuously switching back to FSX? In this use-case it seems that 'stringing' together a series of commands enough to achieve a desired output without FSX focusing forward between each click becomes a challenge.

    I'm not sure if I articulated myself properly but almost EVERY choice I make in FSC throws me back into FSX. If I am conducting flight planning, selecting airports, SID, STARS, panning, zooming, etc. I guess I see your point if I'm already in FSX and don't have a particular need to bring FSC forward. I would presume that's why I would switch windows, would I not?

    I have a short AVI I would like to upload to illustrate but don't have the permission the permissions to do so. Please let me know if you have a private email.

    Thank you,


  2. Running FSC 9.0 with 2011 patch. Windows 7 64 bit, FSX with Acceleration. Running both applications on single graphics monitor.

    Dear Sasha, et-al,

    I'm relatively new to FSC and am trying to determine whether the following is a behavioral issue or a bug. I've searched for topics similar to this subject matter but have yet to find resolution. Please refer me to the appropriate thread if one exists.

    When running FSC & FSX, selecting almost any menu option, screen selection, icon, virtually anything in FSC switches focus back to the FSX window. The only way to overcome this is to set the option in FSC to 'stay on top'. This is a nuisance as I am constantly selecting 'alt-tab' after every FSC mouse click. The preference is to switch between applications at will. Is this normal behavior? When working in FSC I would imagine that I should stay in FSC until I switch focus back to FSX, is my presumption correct?

    The most usable UI would be that similar to the now defunct FSNavigator where it was embedded within FS9 and could be toggled with a function key. Any assistance would be appreciated.



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