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Jock in a Frock

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Posts posted by Jock in a Frock

  1. Hi Pete,

    I tried variations on the parameter, but no luck. I think the PMDG gauge .dll is doing something tricky with the mouse input (using the mouse event to trigger a "read the mouse hardware" function?)

    I've read your documentation and I think I understand the general principles, but hacking into .lua is more than my addled cerebrum can handle.

    Anyway, it's beyond me, and a minor annoyance on a wonderful addon.

    Thanks for your suggestions, though, and for your excellent FSUIPC module.

  2. Hi Andy, thanks for the suggestion. It's £21 to register Key2Mouse, seems a lot of money for such a simple utility. More than I'm willing to spend to solve this small problem.

    Also, it looks like it would only work when the FMC is in the same position on screen at all times, and I have a habit of moving the FMC when I'm opening other panels etc.

    Pete, I've scoured the PMDG forums to no avail. Looks like I'll have to live with reaching for the mouse. A shame, as the FMC is so fundamental to using the PMDG 747X

    Thanks anyway.

    Andy Scholes.

  3. Hi Pete, I hope you're well. Apologies for resurrecting this thread, but I'm just wondering if you've heard of anyone having any luck getting FSUIPC macros to work with the PMDG 747-400X FMC / CDU.

    I've tried it, and hit the same problem as the OP (recording the macro works, but it doesn't play back).

    I'm not up to the task of reverse engineering PMDG's .dll files (and that is probably a dead-end anyway).

  4. Subnet mask will indicate what part of the IP address is the network part (where binary 1s appear in the mask). If both local and remote IP addresses have the same network portion, they're on the same LAN.

    Edit - it just occurred to me that since this is my first post on this forum, I should say thanks to you Pete for your work over many years, and for the advice and help you give to us poor non-coders in taming MSFS. Great work!

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