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Posts posted by cs82575

  1. Hello All,

    Just wanted to take a minute and ask a few questions. I have been using FSUIPC since FS2002 days, the software is wonderful. I just purchased WideFS over the weekend and begain to play around. The install went great. I have a server and 2 client PC's talking to each other and all logs are showing just fine.. Here is My problem...UGH I have tryed just about everything possible to setup squawkbox 4 on a client PC. No go!! I would really like to use WideFS for this task instead of simconnect.. Why?? well thats simple.. It is to my belief that Mr. Dowson's modules are far better and much more stable then anything that Microsoft can write (( hat's off to you Peter :-) )))) Anyway no matter what I do when I lauch Squawkbox on the client I get the same message time and time again .. Flight simulator must be running to launch SB, please check that it is and try again.... It's making me MAD!! So if anyone has been able to get this to work via editing a command line in WideFS or any other tricks I would greatly appreciate their help. I am posting here because I have not had much luck anywhere else and I am sure someone got this to workI am running FSX with FSUIPC 4.5.7 and WideFS 6.78 ...Thankyou :-)

    Chris Scarcelle

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