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Posts posted by dannyair

  1. Hi Pete,

    Thank you again for your help. After a closer read of your user manual and making the sensativity and null zone adjustments I was able to calibrate my joystick. Actually I had to use your calibration portion of FSUIPC to make it work. I don't understand how people with the Saitek throttle quadrant can even use them without your software. Your instructions are very well written and you obviously take a lot of pride in what you designed and your writting of the manal. To be honest most of FSUIPC is totally beyond my comprehension as I'm not as computer saavy as your software is complex and I'm sure briliant. Just the fact that it got my throttle working is awesome. Thanks again Pete.


  2. Thanks Pete! I'll give it a try when I return home from my business trip. I really hope this fixes the problem. I didn't do a good job of finding the instructions for your FSUIPC calibration instructions. Once I find them I'll try to follow them exactly. Your program looks amazing and way over my head not that I'm very technical or anything. Everyone has been telling me that their Saitek throttles work perfectly right out of the box so I must be doing something wrong. I'll report back on the weekend if not tomorrow. it's top priority for me!

  3. Hi there,

    I'm hoping someone can help. I'm usging FSX SP2, W7 64, Saitek throttle latest driver and a registered version of FSUIPC. I'm having a lot of problems with my single Saitek throttle quadrant. In fact I took one back and exchanged it for another but I get the same problems so it's must not be a hardware issue but rather a setting in the FSX. Windows 7 shows that it is calibrated correctly and so does the Saitek test software. Here is the problem: The throttles, when assigned to each engine (3 total), do not move the entire range. If I press F4 then the throttle within FSX moves full power but I can't achieve that by moving the Saitek throttle levers to the full power postion. Same thing with closing the throttles, I can do it by pressing F1 but when I close my Saitek throttles they are still on about 30%. I downloaed FSUIPC and purchased a registration and thought I calibrated the Saitek throttles but I have the same problem. Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Thank you!!!! I should also add that Im using the CH yoke with the throttle on the top of the yoke although I don't use that throttle anymore and it is closed. It does work fine though. I doubt it matters but just in case.


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