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  1. Thanks pete. You are a great help i understand thinks a lot better now :D :D Thanks Ed
  2. Hello Pete In FS i calibrated the yoke sensitinity max and null zone to a minnimum. Then i disabeled the stick in FS. Is this ok or must it being enabeled? I hate fs commands also that is why i bought FSUIPC4 Everithing is working super fine the only thing a am not happy with is the responce of the yoke. I started then FSUIPC4 and first assigned the axis and then callibrated them. I will read the hole manuel again maybe i overlooked sommething. Im not such a young PC pilot at all :D :D :D but i know what you mean. I fly sims sinds the beginning of MS FS. But this is the first time i bought a yoke :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Thanks Ed
  3. Hello Pete The center of my yoke aleron and alevator have a big deadzone. If i give up or down the yoke have to move about 1 cm before i get a responce . The same for going to the richt or the left. Is it possible to reduce the 1cm of non responce to almost nothing. I want direct reponce when i move my yoke. Maybe its not possible or am i doing sommething wrong in my settings of FSUIPC4???? Thanks Ed
  4. i am using saitek yoke pro flight with fsx and fsuipc4. Can sommebody help me to get rid of the deadzones in my yoke.What are the settings to put in fsuipc4. i am getting real desperate nothing works. What am i doing wrong Help :roll: :roll:
  5. Thanks Pete. I am downloading it now . The panels arrived today and i will try the SPAD in a couple of minutes. Many Thanks Grtz Ed
  6. No problem Paul Grtz Ed
  7. Sorry friend i overlooked it and i am not in a hurry. :lol: :lol: :lol: I am new to this forum and i posted in the wrong place the first time. A Friendly member told me to post it here. I wait until the man is back no problem. Grtz Ed
  8. Can you please tell me if the FSUIPC4 will work to conficure the saitek panels??? The FSUIPC4 works exellent with my saitek yoke and pedals. I ordered today Saitek switch panel and radiopanel i was wondering if the FSUIPC4 will work with the panels?? In the future i will also buy the saitek multi panel i am in love with the trim wheel 8) 8) Thanks Ed
  9. Thanks Ben I ask the man himself Grtz Ed
  10. I yust bought the FSUIPC4 software and installed it and made my saitek yoke and pedals work with it. Super piece of software its works great. I was wondering can you use it to configure the saitek panels? I yust ordered the swith panel and the radio panel and soon i will order the multi panel. Can i use FSUIPC4 to configure it. Sommebody have any experience with it ??????? Thanks Ed
  11. Hallo Flightsimmers. I whant to know if it is possible to configer the saitek panels with FSUIPC4 registered version. I yust orderd the saitek Pro flight swith panel and the radiopanel. Soon i will also order the saitek pro flight multi panel. I am using the FSUIPC4 software on my saitek rudder and yoke and the software works great. Thanks Ed
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