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Everything posted by butthead

  1. I just got it working! Are there any way to edit settings like "buttons and switches" in a text editor?
  2. Thanks, it clears up a bit now. But how do I know "If your "SIOC" device can only handle offsets" or not? The cards are IOcards and I have made the scripts myself (for iFLY). Can SIOC compile "controls"?
  3. I use FSX and PMDG 737NGX. I can read the state of the aircraft items using the "Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX", but it is read-only, so I can't set any switches. I been told I can use the "SDK control codes" http://www.blueskies737.com/737ngx-control-codes/ and enter them in FSUIPC. It works with assigning them to a joystick button, but I would like to assign them to a IOcards button instead. Is that possible? I also tried to take the base offset 69632 and added it with 104, but SIOC didn't compile, because 69736 is a too high number. Var 9003, name seatbelt, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset 69736, Length 1
  4. Thanks I will try that. Buttons are working fine. I "just" have to open the "properties" to make them work. /Magnus
  5. Hi, Hm, I found two of this file in the same folder. I could remove the first. With the second, the system refuses me to delete it.... Any idea what to do? Magnus
  6. No, it is the the T1 and T3 on the joystick part and and scroll wheel push-button on the throttle part. BR, Magnus
  7. Hi, Some joystick buttons do not work (not shown in FSUIPC "buttons and switches") if I don't open the control panel / "devices and printers" and open the properties for the Saitek X52 pro flight controller. Any clue what to do? BR, Magnus
  8. Hi, I read a bit about this now, including the iFLY to FSUIPC program. But the thing is I want to have a joystick button (not IOCARDS/SIOC button) assigned to it. So how do I write the "510" in the "sw+button" folder in FSUIPC? Byte/Word/Dword? Is 510 the offset or the parameter? BR, Magnus
  9. Hi, Oh, I thought this was the correct forum. I and I do have it licensed. Thanks, I will try it immediately! BR, Magnus
  10. Hi, Is is possible to send an IOCARDS command 510 to address 1000 in FSUIPC? Via SIOC it is easy, just "&commands = 510". I would like to operate the engine start levers. I have tried to find what FS control in FSUIPC that operates the engine start levers, and tried some in the button and switches, but did not got the right one. CTRL+SHIFT+F1 / F4 does not work either. (However 510/511 or 512/513 do work in SIOC). BR, Magnus
  11. Looks like that was the problem! Thanks!
  12. Hi, I have assigned brakes to one joystick axis and reverst thrust to another via the "axis assignment". It works very well when I land, but it does not work next landing, if I doesn't restart FSX or go in to "axis assignment" tab and move the joystick axis up and down first. I have version 4.751a. BR, Magnus
  13. Hi, I have been using IOCARDS/SIOC/FSUIPC/FSX with the standard FSX737 plane succssfully. Now I purchased iFLY737, and some buttons/switched that worked with the standard 737, does not work with the iFLY737. Any idea how I can solve this? examples: STILL WORKS: flaps + spoiles entire mcp gear trim DOES NOT WORK: some parts of EFIS apu + its generator battery engine start switches. BR, Magnus
  14. Hi Pete, I have found the 4.4 version of the offset list in the SDK zip-file. Maybe that is the latest one offset list. It did not have any information about EFIS.
  15. Hi Pete, Thanks for your fast reply. I have now upgraded to a later version, I believed that I used the latest one, as I bought and downloaded it just some hours earlier. The $0E00 address worked well, thanks. I tried to find the document "Offsets Status PDF", but I can't find it in the "download links" subforum or in the installation folder on my computer.
  16. Hi all, I am new to this and have a problem when trying to access the EFIS panel (MS B737-800 version). I am using IOCARDS, SIOC and FSUIPC4. I have no troubles at all to make anything else to work like AP, gear, flaps, speedbrakes, light and so on, but the EFIS gives no results. I have built my own cockpit and when trying to change the value for EFIS range ($0E60) nothing happens on the NAV display. I have also tried an other address I found $04F8. But still no change on the NAV display. I also tried to change the EFIS mode switch by its address, but nothing there either. The program "FSinterrogate2std", shows there is a ($0E60) address for EFIS (values 0,1 or 2). But the "FSX" support is not checked.... It does not help if I check that FSX box either. And I can't find any other address for EFIS range that is compatilble with FSX. Please advice. Thanks.
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