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Everything posted by Foxgolfbravo

  1. Many Thanks Pete for this very quick help, the link is OK now ;-))
  2. Hello I'm sorry to go back on an old topic but I can't download this version "FSUIPC 3.999z9 from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html" The following message is displayed: "Not Found The requested URL /beta/FSUIPC.zip was not found on this server. " The cache of the browser is refreshed, I use FireFox and the problem is identical with IE. The link to WideFs 6.995 works well. My current version of FSUIPC is the 3.999z2 recorded of course. I know that FS2004 has been forgotten, but our flight simulation association does not have computers powerful enough for other simulators. Thanks in advance for the answer or possibly a download link that works or a short note to Enrico that could unlock the situation ...
  3. Hi, Try disabling this service in Start -> Control Panel -> Services or by download the utility from: http://www.grc.com/unpnp/unpnp.htm
  4. Hi, With last FSUIPC and WideFs you can now programm PushToTalk button for TS voice soft in remote computer, here : http://www.fskb.net/Wiki.jsp?page=TeamSoteControl Many thanks to Frederik Bilhaut. Regards
  5. Hi, No the capitals are'nt needed. For my part at least...Win XP Home, French 2004 version. Registration FSUIPC WIDEFS, registration an application SB, all fine... Regards Gerard
  6. Hi, Only you replace the old fsuipc.dll by the new Regards
  7. Hi, Ok Pete i give you that by mail thank you very much for your help and your great job :wink: Regards
  8. Sorry, Pete i use already 1.48 version released on the 8th Sept. There was a probleme with the FS title bar (maybe remembers you, I had sent you some screens shot to this subject) which is fixed, but always this quantity of files beyond 10... If I leave fs with 6 files the system keeps the last files, but it creates 10 others before crushing the old and we have 16 files. If I leave fs with 16 saved files, in the next starting up I have 16 files and it creates 10 news, I have it so 26 etc. etc. If I erase files .flt and .wx of the file " Files Flight Simulator " the system works normally. Any idea? Regards
  9. Hi, It does not work with the French version, of f 2004, the final file is called " Fichiers Flight Simulator " The complete path with Win XP Home : C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Mes Documents\Fichiers Flight Simulator The file shfolder.dll is located in Fs9 folder and also in System32 folder Certainly this French version gives a lot of problem :wink: Thank in advance Regards
  10. Hi, I have made some helps for this topic here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/gerard.bernard/sbwidefsen.htm Be patient to read entirely the explanation Regards
  11. Hi, On Avsim website there was still it few days last http://ftp.avsim.com/library/sendfile.php?DLID=9851 Regards
  12. Hi, Try to disable XP firewall also try to read explanation here http://perso.wanadoo.fr/gerard.bernard/sbwidefsen.htm Regards
  13. Hi, Try to go to this link located in simclient.com SB forum http://www.simclients.com/forums/search.php then type "position" in the field You will find 17 posts that could help you...especially this http://www.simclients.com/forums/viewtot=position Regards
  14. Hi, Please use RW on the SAME computer where is running SB and everything should go into the order... Regards
  15. [quote="Pete Dowson Or possibly the initial default INI files I supply in the ZIP have this parameter? They shouldn't -- I'll have to check that! Thanks! Pete I confirm that the ZIP file contain .ini files with a "No" by default Regards
  16. Hi, Readback correct sir :lol: :wink:
  17. Hello, Don't be afraid Peter, it's not good for your age ;-))) I changed by using the button "seesaw" of the joystick and not a normal button and everything goes well now Thank you very much for your explanation... Regards
  18. Hi Pete, Thank you for your very fast answeer but i badly explained myself...sorry my English is poor ;-) The button settled for Rw is not the same settled for brake of course...It is for it that I asked the previous question;-) So i don't understand why there is this problem... Regards
  19. Hello, I settled my Joystick SideWinder Force Feedback Pro (Pc with Fs and WideFs server) by affecting a button to activate transmission towards RogerWilco (Pc client with WideFs client ) and everything works well . However, when I press the button shot (which activates brakes) it engages transmission towards RW hanging 1/4 of second and then even though I remain pressed on the button, the transmition stops. It is annoying, and I would have wanted to know if problem is known and how to proceed to fix it Configured WideClient.ini as : [user] Log=Errors+ ActionKeys=Yes KeySend1=RWon KeySend2=RWoff Configured FSUIPC The shoot button is settled in Fs command tab to activate brake as usually Any suggestions ? Thank you in advance Gerard [/img]
  20. Hi Greeham, Try to read explanation on my website at this page http://perso.wanadoo.fr/gerard.bernard/sbwidefsen.htm Inform us please Regards
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