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  1. Perfect, thank you
  2. Many thanks for your help John. Just one last question to help me understand some very basic coding. What does the ! do in the above statement? As I understand the first part in brackets calls the LVAR and the 2nd part in brackets writes it, but still unsure what the clever little ! does? I really do appreciate your time as I know you are busy. I have tried internet searches and reading manuals, but to no avail.
  3. Yeah, it works! Many many thanks
  4. Just to confirm the line in myevents.txt is DU_MasterBright_Bright#1 (>L:INI_CKPT_LT_DU_MASTER_BRT_INC, bool) & I tried DU_MasterBright_Bright# (>L:INI_CKPT_LT_DU_MASTER_BRT_INC, bool) 1 I also tried number instead of bool. I also tried the repeat checkbox. When I change the brightness using the mouse in the VC, with Dev Mode, behaviours window open, I can see the value go from 1 to 0 As you say, I will have to try the iniBuilds support forum
  5. I have just tried that and unfortunately, it does not work (incl a repeat). When you turn the knob with a mouse you can see the LVAR go to 1 and straight back to zero. So in theory I thought a value of 1 would do it.
  6. Many thanks for the very quick reply. When I use it in myevents.txt, the line is DU_MasterBright_Bright# (>L:INI_CKPT_LT_DU_MASTER_BRT_INC, bool) and nothing happens, so I will try setting 1
  7. I have been using the fantastic FSUIPC 7 in MSFS2020 for some time now and have managed to create lots of “commands” using LVARs in myevents.txt and then map them to buttons in the sim. After creating many commands for several other aircraft, toggles, on or off and dimmers etc, I am now having an issue with an Auto-reset LVAR in the Inibuilds A350 INI_CKPT_LT_DU_MASTER_BRT_INC or INI_CKPT_LT_DU_MASTER_BRT_DEC. I can’t seem to get anything to work as the code resets before altering anything. Any advice would be much appreciated
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