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Posts posted by crash924

  1. Can someone write a LUA script for the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo products to detect more than 31 buttons? 

    I tried to read the instructions for writing a script, but I got confused after the 1st 2 paragraphs lol...

    right now, FSUIPC does not detect any buttons past 31 on the Alpha, and does not detect the 7 toggle switches on the Bravo

    Thank you in advance

    BTW this will be for P3D v4.5


  2. I am having the same problem with my Saitek Cessna trim wheel. I am using Windows 7 64 bit, registered version of FSUIPC 4.934. FSX Acceleration with updates installed.

    I have downloaded and used the latest driver for the wheel, not the software from Saitek, and can get the wheel centered, and it moves incrementally in both directions. When I go to axis assignments, the trim goes in increments in 1 direction all the way to -16380, but when I go the other direction, when it gets to 0, it jumps all the way up to +16380. If I click the reverse box, the same happens in the opposite direction.  I tried to calibrate it using both the main page 1 and page 6 of the calibration section. I tried checking the filter box, but so far it has done no good. I have read and re-read the manual many times, followed the directions step by step. I have the joystick controls in FSX turned off, as I want FSUIPC to manage all my controls. The numbers I get in the calibration section shows -16380, +16380, -512 +512 delta at 256.

    Has anyone found a new trick to get this working properly?

    BTW, I also tried using the Buttons/Assignments section, but can't get the  wheel to be recognized there.

  3. I am having the same problem, except I have it with the MAAMSim DC3...before I registered FSUIPC 4.6, the com and nav freq changes worked, but since then I cannot change them. I am running FSX with acc, SP2, Win7 64 bit.

    *EDIT* I did have the unregistered version of FSUIPC 4.6 installed, and I could change all freqs. I have tried using the mouse clicks, and using the keyboard, but neither works now that I have paid for FSUIPC.

    *2nd EDIT* when I click on the knobs for any of the radios, the knobs move, and I can hear the clicking like the numbers are changing, but the freqs do not change

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